Items |
Loadings |
Entrepreneurial Orientation |
EO 1 |
I always try to make some changes in my business |
.812 |
EO 2 |
I preferred high risk projects with a high return |
.854. |
EO 3 |
At the point when our competitors build up another item or another business technique, our business rapidly reacts to it and adopt it |
.912 |
EO 4 |
At the point when our competitors build up another item or another business technique, our business rapidly reacts to it and adopt it |
.875 |
EO 5 |
People are encouraged to think and behave differently |
.862 |
Awareness |
AR 1 |
The investment should be made in a wide range of new technological advancement |
.912 |
AR 2 |
The investment on a R&D program should be made in the partnership with our competitors so our development cost can be reduced |
.934 |
AR 3 |
In the manufacturing concern to improve the efficiency we must limit the brand features. |
.845 |
AR 4 |
For a new product, we must penetrate in a potential market despite of heavy competition. |
.956 |
Research Commercialization |
RC 1 |
Do you publish your research or convey it to others through conference or other means |
.924 |
RC 2 |
Do you convey/share your research result with the parties that may have prime concern with those results |
.945 |
RC 3 |
To what extent this research benefits you in monetary terms |
.954 |
RC 4 |
Based on your research result do you have patent of your invention |
.923 |