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Migration And Welfare In The Far East

Table 6:

Regression statistics
Multiple R 0,899993
R-square 0,809987
The normalized R-square 0,778318
The standard error 8232,59
Observations 15
Dispersion analysis
df SS MS F The significance of F
Regression 2 3,47E+09 1,73E+09 25,57676 4,71E-05
Balance 12 8,13E+08 67775543
Total 14 4,28E+09
Coefficients Standard error t-statistics P-Value Lower 95%
Y-intersection 535505,4 67233,16 7,9649 3,93E-06 389016,9
Depreciation of basic (construction),% -2605,85 822,9312 -3,16655 0,008121 -4398,87
Number of credit institutions -1981,75 763,0173 -2,59725 0,023344 -3644,22
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