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Developing English Language Competence Of Math Students

Table 1:

Extroverted students Introverted students
They communicate without invitation, comment on the words of the teacher, answer questions shouting from the spot They raise their hands and wait for them to be asked; prefer not to shout out of place
They don’t like writing exercises, often don’t finish them Well perform written assignments, with pleasure perform tests
Drafts are not used, they answer questions spontaneously They always try to write down the answer on the leaflet first and only then answer the question
They do not note teacher's words Trying to write down everything, especially what seemed interesting, that they will ask in the future
After learning a new word and expression, they immediately try to use it New words and expressions are first tried to "pass" through, analyse and only then used
New words, concepts and grammatical constructions are studied intuitively by these students Everyone tries to comprehend, analyse, find logic and understand the new material completely
They do not like and cannot work on the same tasks, they need to change their activities and change their roles frequently Conservative, prefer to perform those tasks that they already know and understand
They work at a high pace, are mobile, active, talkative, emotional, quickly grasp material and try to apply it The pace of work is quite low, emotions barely manifest, prefer to sit quietly at the desk and not to be "touched"
They like exercises and questions about themselves They don’t like to talk about themselves, are afraid to reveal their inner world and are afraid of questions and topics about themselves
They are not afraid of mistakes: they easily give answers without even being sure of them. Wrong answers do not upset them, teacher's remarks are quickly forgotten They are afraid to make mistakes, remember the teacher's remarks and their mistakes. Respond only in case of confidence in the answer, and the more painful to hear that the answer was wrong
Bad knowledge of grammar they know grammar better than extroverts,
They have a large active dictionary, easily enter into communication, use gestures and facial expressions Their active dictionary is good enough, and sometimes unexpectedly good is a passive vocabulary. Many understand, but cannot answer, get lost
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