Relationships Between the Flexible Working, Intention to Leave and Subjective Well-Being
Table 1:
Position in the firm |
Mid-level manager |
Engineer |
Call center operator |
Officer |
Other |
3 (1.8%) |
1 (0.6%) |
131 (79.9%) |
17 (10.4%) |
12 (7.3%) |
Education Level |
Primary School |
High Schoo1 |
Associate Degree |
Undergraduate |
Graduate |
22 (13.4%) |
53 (32.3%) |
41 (25%) |
45 (27.4%) |
3 (1.8%) |
Working Time |
Less than 1 year |
1-3 years |
4-6 year |
7-9 year |
10-13 year |
14 and over year |
14 (8.5%) |
56 (34.1%) |
44 (26.8%) |
14 (8.5%) |
15 (9.1%) |
21 (12.8%) |
Gender |
Male |
Female |
39 (23.8%) |
125 (76.2%) |
Age |
25 years and under |
26-30 |
31-35 |
36-40 |
41-45 |
46 years and over |
58 (35.4%) |
46 (28%) |
31 (18.9%) |
19 (11.6%) |
3 (1.8%) |
7 (4.3%) |
Marital status |
Married |
Single |
Divorced/widow |
79 (48.2%) |
79 (48.2%) |
6 (3.7%) |
Child ownership |
Yes |
No |
66 (40.2%) |
98 (59.8%) |
Income |
1300 TL and under |
1301-4500 TL |
4501 TL and over |
158 (95.7%) |
5 (3%) |
1 (0.6%) |
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