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Vietnamese Employee Work Engagement. Influence Of Organizational Socialization Tactics And Work-Home Interactions

Table 2:

Variable M SD Min Max Cronbach’s Alpha
1. Context tactics 2.26 .64 1 4 .81
2. Content tactics 2.50 .61 1 4 .751
3. Social tactics 2.89 .54 1 4 .776
4. Negative WHI 1.83 .54 1 4 .871
5. Negative HWI 1.74 .58 1 4 .810
6. Positive WHI 2.52 .58 1 4 .791
7. Positive HWI 2.57 .56 1 4 .802
8. VI 2.66 .62 1 4 .740
9. DE 2.60 .60 1 4 .883
10. AB 2.38 .63 1 4 .831
11. WE 2.55 .52 1 4 .908
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