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Rating of Regional Development Effectiveness under Condition of Limited Financial Resources

Table 2:

Demography Social sphere Economy Standard of living Infrastructure Finance Total score
Siberian Federal district 41 94 38 18 42 80 312
Altai Republic 55 75 36 16 22 74 278
Buryatia Republic 48 55 41 16 43 69 271
Tyva Republic 50 79 25 18 30 78 281
Hakasia Republic 43 57 31 43 18 69 261
Altai region 49 39 45 14 38 60 246
Zabaykalsk region 49 69 34 17 31 80 280
Krasnoyarsk region 52 92 44 81 62 73 404
Irkutskaya oblast 42 74 43 51 28 67 304
Kemerovskaya oblast 52 51 35 33 29 73 272
Novosibirskaya oblast 60 92 56 48 60 66 383
Omskaya oblast 78 72 39 22 23 67 301
Tomskaya oblast 59 81 59 51 47 71 367
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