- The federal act dated April 30th, 1999, #82-FZ «About rights guarantees of ingenious minorities of the Russian Federation»;- The federal act dated July 20th, 2000 #104-FZ «About general principles of ingenious minorities community organization in the Russian Federation»;- The federal act dated May 7th, 2001 #49-FZ «About territories of traditional wildlife management of ingenious minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation»;- The concept of ingenious minorities sustainable development of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation;- The federal target program «Economic and social development of ingenious minorities of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation till 2020» - The list of places of minorities’traditional residing and traditional economic activities in the North and the list of their traditional economic activities- Rules how to grant budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation from the federal budget to support minorities’ economic and social development in the North. |
- health care (including medical examinations) of needy adults, working pensioners with honor titles who belong to indigenous minorities;- fare compensation to the hospitalization place and back to their residence for needy indigenous minorities’ people in the territory of the autonomous region; or sanatorium permit granted to indigenous minorities parents (or people lawful to present a child).- veterinary servicing of reindeer livestock at the budget expense, preserving of cattle, fish and fowl livestock;- subsidizing traditional products, paying for wild plant collecting and hunting;- organizing vocational training, retraining and professional skills improvement for unemployed indigenous minorities’ representatives;- development, preserving and revival of national foundations, features of life by publishing scientific, referential and methodical literature in national languages; - arranging minorities’ holidays and festivals;- developing ethnographic tourism attracting different people, tour operators, tourist mass media, etc.- creating various associations to support social and economic status and development of cultural foundations of indigenous minorities;- forming groups for studying national languages, cultural traditions and crafts;- arranging national religious practices, taking care of cult places, circulating information in a national language;- receiving state assistance to arrange and hold educational and training events for young generation taking into account national traditions;- participating in local government events and making their own initiatives at local government level to solve problems concerning primordial inhabitancy protection, protection of traditional way of life, managing and crafts;- receiving compensation of damage caused to primordial territories of indigenous minorities residing;- acquiring traditional crafts firms if they function in their territory- using their land gratuitously and participating in control events connected with the use of their land;- receiving financial aid from all levels of power of the Russian Federation, legal and physical persons (residents and non-residents of the Russian Federation), international organizations with the purpose to protect indigenous minorities interests;- replacing compulsory military service by alternative one for indigenous minorities’ representatives who lead a traditional way of life;- being employed by their profession if there is a traditional crafts firm in their territory. |