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Is Happiness Determined By Individual’s Well-Being? Proposing An Econometric Model On Happiness

Table 1:

Happy Health Race Nationality
very happy excellent white natural
happy good black immigrant
not happy fair others
Age Education: professional level Love life/ sex Marital status
elderly PhD weekly married
adult master monthly widowed
young college sometimes divorced
teenager high school never separated
child middle school never married
Relative Financial Situation/Social Success Work Status Personality
Income Satisfaction Class
satisfied lower class working full time friendly, social skills,
lower working class working part time extroverted
more or less middle class temporary, unemployed, laid off unfriendly, no social
not at all upper class retired skills, introverted
keeping house other Gender
Air and Environmental Park and recreation nearby Attends of Religious service Political Views
lose never extremely liberal
average nearly once a year liberal
far once a year slightly liberal
_________________________ several times a year moderate
Vacation once a month slightly conservative
_________________________ nearly every week conservative
more times a year every week extremely
once a yearevery few years none more than once week conservative nihilist
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