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Impact of Structural Capital on Innovation in the Australian SMEs

Table 2:

Variables Organisational innovation (2010) Organisational Innovation (2011)
Control Variables
Industry: Manufacturing 0.52* 0.55* 00.67*** 00.68**
Industry: Logistics 0.50* 0.58* 0.48* 0.51*
Industry: Retail 0.02 0.05 0.56 0.58*
Industry: Services 0.57* 0.58** 0.43* 0.44*
Medium Firm 0.68*** 0.71*** 0.41* 0.38*
Small Firm 0.41* 0.43* 0.11 0.05
Independent Variables
Structural capital 0.20** 0.21*** 0.14** 0.15**
Pseudo R² 0.09 0.06
Chi Square 59.74*** 62.05*** 39.40*** 41.15***
Log pseudolikelihood -682.71 -584.10 -646.59 -566.06
No. of observations 373 373 373 373
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