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A Preliminary Analysis on the Connections between Technology Orientation, Organizational Learning, Market Conditions, and Growth of Small and Medium Size Hotels in Peninsular Malaysia

Table 4:

Variable B (model 1) B (model 2) B (model 3)
Dependent variable
Technological Orientation .413** .329** .315**
Moderating Variable
Market Condition .407** .413**
Interaction Term
TechOxMC .172*
R2 0.512 0.578 0.598
F 87.387 85.270 52.354
Sig. 0.000 0.000 0.000
R2 change 0.512 0.066 0.020
F change 87.387 39.036 4.150
Sig. F Change 0.000 0.000 0.007
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