The article is devoted to the problem of improving the linguistic competence of teachers and students. It can be achieved by the introduction in the educational process of discussion issues of national linguistics and their consideration in view of the current state of the science of language. The significance of the research topic is mainly concerned with the new requirements for the content and organization of educational process in modern school, and with the relentless attention of linguists to the topical issues of word formation, grammar and pragmatics as well as having a place the contradictions between the school and the scientific grammar. Methods: method of linguistic description, word-formation and grammatical analysis, a theoretical analysis of literature and compilation of best practices, empirical methods: observation, ascertaining experiment, conversation. It was revealed that learning of Russian students the difficult and controversial issues of Russian Linguistics at the Russian language lessons, as well as informative reading books about the Russian language and in-depth learning the vocabulary and cultural background of the studied novels and poems arouse students interest in the history of the Russian language and its contemporary state, increase their motivation to learn, contribute to the intellectual development of children. Formation of cognitive universal educational actions in the Russian language is not possible without the support of fundamental research, implementation of the principle of scientific character in the educational activity of the teacher and the students, the expansion and deepening of the linguistic competence of the subjects of the educational process.
Keywords: Linguistics, the lesson of the Russian language, methods and techniques of teaching, word formation, grammar, discussion, problem-based learning
1. Introduction
The main purpose of the course of the Russian language in high school is to mold the language,
linguistic, communication and cultural students' competence. The language competence involves
knowledge of Russian literary language, the knowledge of its rules, the ability to use speech
synonymous wealth funds. The linguistic competence includes knowledge of the basics of linguistics,
knowledge of the language as a system. Communicative competence implies the knowledge and skills
needed to understand other people and causing their own statements in accordance with the situation of
communication, the ability to create texts of different genres. The cultural competence involves
knowledge of Russian speech etiquette, awareness of cultural identity of the Russian language (namely,
knowledge of the names of objects and phenomena of the traditional Russian way of life, traditions,
national games, rituals, customs, fine arts, oral folk literature), knowledge of Russian non-verbal means
of communication (facial expressions, gestures). To successfully master the native language and the
ability to efficiently and effectively use the wealth of its synonymous means in different situations of
communication need to understand and realize the structure of language, its laws and development,
which designs and combinations allow a maximum impact on the listener and lead to the desired
results. Knowing the basics of science of the Russian language allows you to understand the talent of
Russian writers, understand the particular qualities of their books, written at different times and
reflecting features of literary movements. Introduction to the history of formation of grammatical
categories in the Russian language and the evolution of the words forming the different parts of speech
system will help to understand the underlying processes occurring in all Indo-European languages,
broaden horizons and deepen students' erudition. Formation of linguistic competence of pupils is
necessary for the formation and development of other competencies in their interrelation and
The significance of the research topic is mainly concerned with the new requirements for the
content and organization of educational process in modern school, and with the relentless attention of
linguists to the topical issues of word formation, grammar and pragmatics as well as having a place the
contradictions between the school and the scientific grammar. The paper analyzes the difficult issues in
Russian language school course on word formation and morphology. The actual principles of
grammatical analysis of the word, according to the context, are considered. We also have developed
methods of cognitive reading in Russian lessons and methods to enrich the vocabulary of students for
studying the Russian classics. Its revealed the possibility of an organic combination of the proposed
types of work for the intellectual development of students. The theoretical and practical materials
significantly complement the current understanding of the ways and means of formation of cognitive
and regulatory universal educational activities of students. The crucial research methods were used:
method of linguistic description, word-formation and grammatical analysis, a theoretical analysis of
literature and compilation of best practices, empirical methods: observation, ascertaining experiment,
2.Problem statement
Linguistic competence involves the assimilation by students of information about the Russian
language, methods and techniques of linguistic analysis, stages of language development, as well as the
works of well-known scientists-linguists who have studied the Russian language. Formation of
linguistic competence is held by mastering certain modes of action, which allow not only to understand
the definition of a concept but also to learn the ways to recognize it among other linguistic phenomena,
particularly to find its use in speech. Mastering the students basic knowledge of linguistics is primarily
a means and tool of formation of other competences: linguistic, communicative, cultural. However,
many controversial issues of domestic linguistics cause are misunderstanding and confusion among
school teachers, that leads to pedagogical conformity and terminological confusion. Such problematic
issues in school textbooks and manuals in Russian language are a lot.
First of all these are issues related to the problems of word formation. In the Russian language
school textbooks morphemics is a separate section. However, learning the complex Russian morpheme
without word-forming analysis is inappropriate, as this may lead to factual errors. Ambiguous
interpretation of school textbooks and teaching materials on Russian phenomenon has zero suffixes.
Despite the fact that the phenomenon of zero suffixes described in many scientific papers, recorded in
academic grammars and the term is firmly entrenched in the academic community, the scientific and
educational and methodical incorrect approach to the study of this method of forming words remains.
Confusion primarily associated with undifferentiated terms such as: zero suffixation, word formation
without suffix, conversion. Also students have difficulties in distinguishing morphemic and word-
formation analysis. Practically not represented in school textbooks the phenomenon of word creation
and occasional word formation.
In school's grammar the doctrine of parts of speech in Russian is considered inconsistently. These
are questions about the extent of verbal word (participles and gerunds and their grammatical status), the
words of condition category, lexical and grammatical category of nouns and adjectives (the difficulty in
recognizing and transitional cases), bits of pronouns and numerals, the word
as part of the speech, the phenomenon of grammatical homonymy of words of different parts of speech,
recognition the words of different parts of speech in the text, the grammatical analysis of words in the
text and other problems.
One of the most important means of formation of linguistic competence is the organization of
informative reading in Russian lessons and in extracurricular activities. In this regard, the allocation of
a special type of lesson - home reading lesson in the Russian language in high school - it seems urgent
and necessary step for the intellectual, moral and ethical, and aesthetic development of the students. It
is necessary to develop a strategy for home reading lesson in the Russian language in high school as a
special type of lesson, which includes elements of classical methods of extracurricular work on
Russian, and at the same time outputting home reading lesson to a whole new level of organization of
subject-object activity of pupils taking into account the communicative-activity and personal -oriented
approaches to learning.
Reading any book at school ought to begin with the lexical and verbal-semantic exercises. Children
don't like to read books, and this problem can to some extent be called "linguistic", caused by the fact
that students "do not understand" the text, "do not know" words - the names of details of the situation,
age and so on - and lose interest in the book. The greatest difficulties arise with the understanding
obsolete, dialect and loanwords, which becomes part of the students' passive vocabulary. Therefore,
work on the enrichment and improving of students' vocabulary is an important step in learning Russian
3.Research questions
The crucial issues are the following: How we can use in the educational process the contradictions
between scientific grammar school? How to teach students to perceive the information critically? What
methods and techniques should be used to the teacher to form a cognitive activity of pupils and
motivate them for research?
4.Purpose of the study
The purpose of research is to identify the characteristics of reflection in teaching and didactic
materials in the Russian language difficult and controversial issues of modern linguistics and to work
out the practical recommendations for the educating of scientific thinking of students on the basis of
universal educational actions.
Research objectives: 1) to review existing programs and textbooks on the Russian language for high
school; 2) to identify the conflict between the explanation of grammar, word formation and lexical
phenomena in school and academic grammar; 3) to work out guidelines for the study at the school
difficult and controversial issues of linguistics; 4) to consider the system of informative reading in the
Russian language; 5) to work out a system of enriching the students' vocabulary of in the process of
studying the Russian literature.
5.Research methods
The main research methods, we used are the following: method of linguistic description, word-
formation and grammatical analysis, linguistic forecasting, a theoretical analysis of literature and
compilation of best practices, empirical methods: observation, ascertaining experiment conversation.
For the study, we drew the materials of textbooks on the Russian language, teaching materials, data
of Russian grammar. Observation and interviews with teachers and students was conducted on the basis
of school №9 (Kazan), personal experience of the author on the teaching of the Russian language in
schools has been analyzed and generalized.
The principle of scientific character is one of the fundamental postulates of general didactic in
teaching Russian language and the formation of the linguistic competence of the students, which is
based on the teacher's activities and which must underpin the entire complex of educational-methodical
work of the teacher.
Recognizing the dubiousness of "artificial" separation morphemics section, we note that
morphemics and word formation are the most important branches of linguistics for the development of
spelling vigilance, because in accordance with the guiding principle of the Russian orthography -
morphological - significant parts of words are written always the same, regardless of pronunciation.
The study of word formation, and the ability to correct, on the basis of word-formation analysis, to find
the structural elements of the word promote conscious study of grammar, develop students' thinking
skills, develop speech. Word-formation analysis must be carried out on every lesson, and analysis of
the structure of words is necessary for dictations and competent writing. It is important to teach
students to call morpheme, which is orthograms. Students should understand the following concepts:
non-derivative word, morpheme (a significant part of the word), which produces a word, a derivative of
the word, derivational means, methods of forming words, word-formation analysis, word formation
morpheme, their functions and values. Also students have difficulties to produce morphemic and word-
formation analysis. The purpose of the morphemic analysis - the identification of all the possible
morpheme in the word. The purpose of word-formation analysis - to reveal how the word is formed in
the modern Russian language, to determine the motivation (to find a word produces), to recognize the
derivational morpheme and determine its value.
Despite the fact that the phenomenon of zero suffixes described in many scientific papers, recorded
in academic grammars and the term is firmly entrenched in the scientific use, incorrect terminology in
relation to the process of forming words remains (Allan, 2014; Booij, & Lehmann, & Mugdan., &
Skopeteas; Plag, 2002). For example, in the textbooks to existing programs in the Russian language
contains the following definitions of forming words using the zero morpheme: "Some words are
formed without the aid of suffixes. This method of word formation is called: repeat →
repeat, green → green "(Babaytseva, 2012); "Sometimes the word is formed by clipping morpheme -
way" (Russian language, 2012). The same is observed in the test materials exam on the
Russian language, including exercises on " derivation" (Unified state exam in Russian
language, 2014). Sometimes teachers combine both terms ( " method (zero suffixation)"
(I decide USE: educational portal for exam preparation, 2016), although they reflect different
approaches to the word formation. The term method denies formative morpheme (cf .: "
derivation method can be defined as a method for the production of words, when forming
the base without adding any affixes becomes the basis of a noun" (Shansky, 1968), And the term zero
suffixation asserts the presence of derivational morpheme (Korneyeva, 2014). It is noteworthy that the
new generation of textbooks seek to overcome this contradiction and include theoretical materials
associated with zero derivational and inflectional morphemes (Repkin V.V., 2006). Despite the fact
that the zero suffixes was not inherently formative system of the Russian language, and is a more
recent phenomenon, it is "genetically" was a reflection of the laws and regularities, which formed the
basis for the formation of the Indo-European word-formation system and that allow zero derivation to
remain a productive way of replenishment of the vocabulary of the language at the current stage of its
Features of studying occasionalisms. Occasionalism as a language phenomenon attracted the
attention of researchers for many years. The classic work on neology (Hanpira, 1972; Zemskaya, 1972;
Mukarzovsky, 1967; Alexandrova, 1980]) and recent studies (Pakhomova 2013; Babenko, 1997) note
such features occasional formations, as: 1) contextual conditionality (which forms the context of
(Babenko, 1997), 2) individually-author's exclusivity ( "unexpected, unusual, exceptional" (Hanpira,
1972), 3) expressiveness, 4 ) the language game, 5) a marked contrast to the structural system of usual
formations (word formation according to unproductive language model). As E.Hanpira notes
"occasional word - this unknown language word formed by language unproductive or
counterproductive model either occasional model and created both to conventional posts, the usual
nomination and an art purpose" (Hanpira, 1972). There are morphological, syntactic, phraseological,
word formation, lexical, semantic, phonetic and stylistic occasionalisms (Hanpira, 1972). Occasional
tumors are an integral part of the cognitive and axiological model of reality that reflects an active,
creative approach to the formation of a native speaker knowledge of system-structural organization of
the elements of the existing knowledge of the person in its active interaction with the world. In school
it is important to pay attention on the structural and semantic features of the occasionalisms in the
Russian language, and their causes.
One of the most important Russian morphology controversial issues is the question of parts of
speech in the Russian language and the principles of their allocation. it is important to pay students'
attention that part of speech of a word is determined by taking into account the context.
The question of the extent of the verb as a part of speech remains controversial. This is due to the
fact that in the verb different forms of grammatical characteristics were combined. G.P.Pavsky in the
XIX c. distinguished in the verb four types of words: verbs are conjugated (read), the infinitive (to
read), participle (reading), gerund (read). The heterogeneity of the forms led to different approaches to
the volume of the verb as a part of speech. F.F.Fortunatov (XIX c.) excluded from the verb infinitive,
gerund and participle. AA Potebnya considered infinitive a special part of speech. A.M.Peshkovsky -
the mixed part of speech. The volume of the verb is the subject of debate to this day. Russian grammar
1980, V.A.Beloshapkova interpret the verb widely. The centre of the verb as a part of speech are
conjugated form (predicate, finitivnye), they vary in mood, times, numbers; the other three forms
(infinitive, participle, gerund) - unconjugated. With the conjugated forms unconjugated combines
semantic commonalit, grammatical category of verb aspect, the ability to combine with the name and
the adverb. N.M.Shansky , A.N.Tikhonov exclude from the verb participle and gerund.
One of the most important means of formation of linguistic competence is the organization of
informative reading in Russian lessons and in extracurricular activities. In this regard, the allocation of
a special type of lesson - home reading lesson in the Russian language in high school - it seems urgent
and necessary step for the intellectual, moral and ethical, and aesthetic development of the students.
The novelty of the proposed approach is to develop a strategy lesson home reading the Russian
language in high school as a special type of a lesson, which includes elements of classical methods of
extracurricular work on Russian, and at the same time outputting home reading lesson to a whole new
level of organization of subject-object activity of pupils taking into account the communicative and
student-centered approaches to learning;
Despite the fact that the method of the organization of extracurricular activities is investigated
adequately and efficiently, the problems of organization the system of developing entertaining reading
on the Russian language remaines either on the periphery or outside the attention of scientists,
methodologists, in contrast to the classical lessons of home reading on literature or in the lessons of the
extracurricular reading in the Russian language in primary schools, which are essentially the same
literary reading. Extracurricular reading on the Russian language can be considered as a form of
extracurricular activities on Russian (usually a one-time, non-system), and (preferably) a special type
of lesson, which is included in the training lessons of the Russian language in middle and senior school,
recurring with regular sequence (1-2 times per quarter after studying the topic / section) for a particular
program. The introduction of a special type of lesson offers great opportunities for the intellectual
development of students, expand their horizons, improve their language, linguistic, communicative,
cultural competences. The lessons of home reading in the Russian language allows to deep the
information on linguistic theory, to organise the research and self-education students.
The selection and recommendation of books for independent students' reading on Russian is of
primary importance. The main principles of the formation thte scientific and educational content should
include: age-appropriate children (age feasible), the availability principle (compliance program, style
and form of presentation of entertaining material); genre and thematic variety of works (scientific and
popular literature and journalistic, books, magazines, newspapers, original and translated sources);
educational orientation of books; perfect language; connection with the studied material on Russian, as
well as, possibly, the principle of individual interest, the student's independence in the selection of
books. The guiding principle of extracurricular activities on Russian - the principle of entertaining - is
the most important for the organization of extracurricular reading for Russian language lessons system,
but teaching-developing character of the lessons mast involve not only "entertaining" reading, but also
a serious work for the study of scientific linguistic literature, the formation of skills to write texts of
scientific style and writing their own articles. According to the content on the home reading lessons in
Russian language a lot of books are recommended to complement and deepen the program material,
and books that are not directly related to the program material, but extends the overall outlook of the
Cognitive reading in the Russian language is a logical continuation of the educational process in
other terms, a means of broadening and deepening of knowledge of Russian language, obtained in the
classroom. Extracurricular Reading develops linguistic skills, autonomy in the acquisition of
knowledge, nurtures a sense of respect for the mother tongue.
The study of the Russian classical literature is a complex, laborious but fascinating work that
requires the reader, the researcher, not only a profound knowledge, but also the talent of the interpreter.
It is based on a comprehensive analysis of the text, involving consideration of complexly organized
structure in the interaction of all components. At school study any book, especially classical, must be
preceded by serious lexical and semantic work. The propaedeutic work on the lexical meaning of
unfamiliar words will lead students to 1) "recognition" of the text, 2) draw attention to the text, 3)
understanding the text, 4) deliberate work on the ideological and thematic content of a literary text, and
5) creative passion of the writer (poet). The greatest difficulties arise with the understanding obsolete,
dialect and loanwords, which becomes part of the students' passive vocabulary. Therefore, it is
advisable to include such words in the programm from the fifth or sixth grade during the study program
in Russian language: "Obsolete words (archaisms and historicism)"; "Dialectal word"; "Borrowed
Words." Great help the teacher will have with vocabularies "unknown words" for each book and the
available dictionaries of writers. Traditionally, the thematic groups, necessary to supplement the
vocabulary of students, include socio-political lexicon, moral and ethical, sports, language of hygiene
and health, arts and culture, military vocabulary associated with the defense of the Motherland,
language rights, labor, consumer and neutral language , historical vocabulary. Inclusion in these groups
some "unknown words" of books, studied in the school curriculum in literature, will lead to a
qualitative improvement of teaching materials and teaching aids for teachers and students, will
contribute to the formation of not only language but also the cultural competence of the students. The
teacher ought to suggest students doing interesting research projects related to linguistic issues, lessons
projects "Encyclopedia of words", "Presentation of the words" (including the interpretation of the
word, its synonyms, antonyms, turns of phrase with the word, sayings, excerpts from the works of art
in which this word occurs, illustrations, videos, etc.).
The development of speech, language formation, language, communication, cultural competences is
closely linked to the formation of students' views on the world and on the understanding of themselves
in it. It is thanks to careful work with the word at Russian lessons laid the foundations that form the
worldview of students and give birth to the reader. Systematic work on enriching vocabulary of
students in the study of art in the context of the formation of linguistic competence contributes not only
to the expansion of active and passive vocabulary of students, but also forms the identity of the student,
attaches it to the great culture of the great people. That is why the enrichment of vocabulary students as
one of the aspects of the development of speech has always been the focus of scientists,
methodologists, to establish an effective system of work on the dictionary of schoolchildren. Of great
importance in the organization of such work is always allotted the integration of the Russian language
and literature lessons.
Evidence-based approach to the study material on word formation, grammar, lexics, to the
formation and development of the linguistic competence of pupils acquire greater relevance in the
transition to a new generation of GEF. Universal learning activities that promote a conscious and active
self-learning and self-development of students, implemented primarily in their cognitive research
activities. Mastering science students the basics of the Russian language will help not only students, but
especially teachers to develop competence-oriented tasks, to prepare the teaching materials according
to the requirements of a modern lesson of the Russian language. “The lesson of discovery new
knowledge”, “the lesson o fgeneral methodological orientation”, “creativity lessons (lesson-study)” are
not possible without the support of fundamental scientific principles of linguistics, and requirements
for the improvement of linguistic competence is now demanded of a teacher of the Russian language. A
rigorous scientific approach to the interpretation of linguistic phenomena should be a basic requirement
for the development and implementation of training programs for teachers of educational institutions
on the teaching of the Russian language (including Russian as a second language).
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20 July 2016
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Future Academy
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Teacher, teacher training, teaching skills, teaching techniques, organization of education, management of education, FLT, language, language teaching theory, language teaching methods
Cite this article as:
Korneyeva, T. A. (2016). On the Problem of Learning the Difficult Questions of Linguistics at Russian Lessons. In R. Valeeva (Ed.), Teacher Education - IFTE 2016, vol 12. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 313-321). Future Academy. https://doi.org/10.15405/epsbs.2016.07.50