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Validation of the Assessment of Performance Competency

Table 3:

Instruments Competency b SE t R2
Assessment by director
COM .69* <--> <--> .48
PEO .55* .02 35.26 .31
LOG .95* .02 49.87 .90
BUS .87* .02 50.90 .75
LEA .87* .02 46.58 .76
Chi square = 1.93 (df = 2, p = .38), GFI = 1.00, AGFI = 1.00, RMR = .00, RMSEA=.00
COM .62* <--> <--> .39
PEO .16* .06 2.78 .03
LOG .23* .09 2.79 .05
BUS .33* .06 5.41 .11
LEA .17* .07 2.49 .03
Chi square = 5.65 (df = 2, p = .059), GFI = 1.00, AGFI = 1.00, RMR = .00, RMSEA=.02
Supervisor Assessment
COM .42* <--> <--> .17
PEO .37* .05 7.00 .14
LOG .83* .10 8.71 .69
BUS .72* .09 8.50 .52
LEA .73* .09 8.53 .54
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