AAI Indicators |
AAI indicators description |
Russian Statistics and comments |
Remaining life expectancy achievement of 50 years at age 55 |
Remaining life expectancy (RLE) at 55 divided by 50 to calculate the proportion of life expectancy achievement in the target of 105 years of life expectancy. |
FSSS: “Remaining life expectancy” at 60 years for male respondents and 55 for females. |
Share of healthy life years in the remaining life expectancy at age 55 |
Healthy Life Years (HLY) a measure of disability-free life expectancy that combines information on quality and quantity of life. HLY measures the remaining number of years spent free of activity limitation. |
The indicator can be calculated indirectly. |
Mental well-being |
To capture mental well-being of older population aged 55+, so as to complement the measure of physical health captured via the healthy life expectancy measure, with the help of an index that measures self-reported feelings of positive happy moods and spirits. |
No evidence of indicators or monitoring results. |
Use of ICT |
Share of people aged 55-74 using the internet at least once a week. |
FSSS: “Older Generation” periodic monitoring results.Indicator: “The members of the household aged 55 to 72 years using the Internet constantly.” |
Social connectedness* |
The indicator measures the share of people aged 55 or more that meet socially with friends, relatives or colleagues at least once a week (How often socially meet with friends, relatives or colleagues?). |
Educational attainment of older persons |
Percentage of older persons aged 55-74 with upper secondary or tertiary educational attainment. |
CMPLC: “What kind of educational background do you have?" (age group 55-69 or 55 and older). |