AAI Indicators |
AAI indicators description |
Russian Statistics and comments |
Physical exercise |
Percentage of people aged 55 years and older undertaking physical exercise or sport almost every day. |
CMPLC: “Have you been engaged in active leisure activities over this year?” |
Access to health and dental care |
Percentage of people aged 55 years and older who report no unmet need for medical and dental examination or treatment during the 12 months preceding the survey. |
CMPLC: “Did you receive medical care last time when you addressed for it this year?”Also, CMPLC has a similar question to the AAI, but with a contradictory meaning: “Have you ever been this year in any situations when you needed medical care, but did not apply for it in a medical facility? “ |
Independent living arrangements |
Percentage of people aged 75 years and older who live in a single person household or who live as couple (2 adults with no dependent children). |
Calculations are possible with the only difference of age groups, since CMPLC includes age group 70 and older. |
Relative median income |
The relative median income ratio is defined as the ratio of the median equivalised disposable income of people aged 65 and above to the median equivalised disposable income of those aged below 65. |
Calculations are possible with the only difference of age groups, since CMPLC includes age group 60 and older. |
No poverty risk |
Percentage of people aged 65 years and older who are not at risk of poverty (people at risk of poverty are defined as those with an equivalised disposable income after social transfers below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold, which is set at 50% of the national median equivalised disposable income after social transfers). |
Calculations are possible with the only difference of age groups, since CMPLC includes age group 60 and older. Poverty risk should be calculated additionally. |
No severe material deprivation |
Percentage of people aged 65 years and older who are not severely materially deprived. Severe material deprivation defined as the enforced inability to afford at least four out of the following nine items: to pay their rent, mortgage or utility bills; to keep their home adequately warm; to face unexpected expenses, etc. |
No evidence of indicators or monitoring results. Such an indicator can be possibly calculated indirectly. |
Physical safety* |
Percentage of people aged 55 years and older who are feeling very safe or safe to walk after dark in their local area. ‘How safe do you – or would you - feel walking alone in this area (Respondent’s local area or neighbourhood) after dark? Do – or would – you feel’: very safe, safe, unsafe, very unsafe. |
Lifelong learning |
Percentage of people aged 55 to 74 who stated that they received education or training in the four weeks preceding the survey. |
CMPLC: “Are you currently attending any courses or other forms of additional education (training)?” Russian monitoring indicated stresses present time of these activities and it enhances different age groups 55-69 or 55 and older. |