AAI Indicators |
AAI indicators description |
Russian Statistics and comments |
Voluntary activities |
Please look carefully at the list of organisations and tell us, how often did you do unpaid voluntary work through the following organisations in the last 12 months? |
CMPLC: “Do you take part in the activities…. of public organizations, movements?” |
Care to children, grandchildren |
In general, how often are you involved in caring for your children, grandchildren outside of work? |
CMPLC: “How do you help your children?” |
Care to older adults |
Percentage of older population aged 55+ providing care to elderly or disabled relatives (at least once a week). How often are you involved in caring for elderly or disabled relatives outside of paid work? |
No evidence of care to older adults indicators or monitoring results. Such an indicator can be possibly calculated indirectly. |
Political participation |
Over the last 12 months, have you …?1.Attended a meeting of a trade union, a political party or political action group;2.Attended a protest or demonstration;3.Contacted a politician or public official (other than routine contact arising from use of public services) |
RPORC: “Have you personally participated in public and political life over last year?” |