Philosophical Foundations Of Legal Personality Formation As A Subject


The article analyzes such categories as “law”, “legal personality”, “legal culture” from the standpoint of their philosophical understanding. In this aspect, the problem of the relationship between law and morality, according to the author, acts as a key criterion for comprehending and understanding the very essence of law, its goals and place in the general field of social relations. Since ancient times, the problem of human rights has been considered as the interaction of two spheres: philosophical and legal. The point of contact between these discourses allows us to draw a line between the legal existence of a person and his ideological meanings. It is the philosophical approach that has historically been predetermining in the formation of the system of law, as the main institution that regulates social relations. Each epoch formed its own concepts of law in accordance with what ideological principles dominated in society at the current moment. But at the head of the system of legal relations there were invariably two key elements of the spiritual sphere of human life - morality and law. Today, in the era of global challenges and civilizational contradictions, the problem of the formation of a legal culture of the individual seems to be one of the topical tasks aimed not only, and not so much, at improving the rule of law as such, but also at the state of spiritual and moral values of modern society in the global sense.

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Publication Date

01 October 2024

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European Publisher



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1st Edition




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Abdulayeva, E. S., Aishkhanova, E. S., & Makhmatkhadzhieva, R. S. (2024). Philosophical Foundations Of Legal Personality Formation As A Subject. In K. A. Said-Akhmadovich, & A. S. Salamova (Eds.), Modern Trends in Governance and Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems: From Regional Development to Global Economic Growth, vol 4. European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences (pp. 823-831). European Publisher.