
The research investigates the impact of green technologies on sustainable industrial development with the aim of assessing their effectiveness in promoting environmentally friendly practices within industrial sectors. Employing a mixed-methods approach, the study combines qualitative analysis of case studies with quantitative assessment of key performance indicators. The qualitative analysis involves the review of existing literature, case studies, and expert interviews to understand the adoption and implementation of green technologies in various industrial settings. This qualitative aspect provides insights into the challenges, opportunities, and best practices associated with the integration of green technologies into industrial processes. Complementing the qualitative analysis, the quantitative assessment involves the collection and analysis of data on key performance indicators such as energy efficiency, resource utilization, waste management, and carbon emissions. Statistical analysis techniques are applied to quantify the impact of green technologies on these indicators and assess their contribution to sustainable industrial development. One notable result of the research is the identification of significant improvements in energy efficiency and reduction in carbon emissions achieved through the adoption of green technologies in industrial operations. The study also highlights the role of policy support, technological innovation, and industry collaboration in driving the adoption of green technologies and fostering sustainable industrial development. In conclusion, the research underscores the importance of green technologies as catalysts for sustainable industrial development. By promoting resource efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and enhancing economic competitiveness, green technologies offer viable pathways toward a more sustainable future for industrial sectors.

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Publication Date

01 October 2024

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European Publisher



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Gazieva, L., Gudaeva, D. M., & Anzorov, Z. (2024). IMPACT OF GREEN TECHNOLOGIES ON SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT. In M. R. Nakhaev, A. S. Salamova, A. Wojdilo, V. Ricardo, & V. Micale (Eds.), Proofreading - Upcoming Volume: Modern Trends in Governance and Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems: From Regional Development to Global Economic Growth, vol -. European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences (pp. 0-0). European Publisher.