
The demand for online education is widespread in today's society. Educational institutions and governments actively promote the growth of the educational services market. Ensuring access to education for all individuals at any time is a key priority. In the digital economy's transformation of education, modern digital technologies play a crucial role in its development. The current standard for online learning is noteworthy as it enables the creation of personalized and adaptable training experiences through individualized and adaptive online courses. This article discusses the contemporary standards used in online learning. To meet adaptability requirements and tailor learning paths, it's essential to centralize all educational materials within an online library. The system determines the selection and sequence of educational components based on students' activities. Adopting an object-oriented approach to knowledge structuring allows for efficient organization of the education process, including the creation of individualized learning systems and adjustments to pedagogical methods. Utilizing modern information technology in online education enables timely responses to the demand for skilled professionals in the context of digitalization, breakthrough innovations, and their impact on businesses.

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01 October 2024

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Lorsanova, Z. M., Zasseev, A. A., & Akavova, A. I. (2024). INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES IN ONLINE EDUCATION. In M. R. Nakhaev, A. S. Salamova, A. Wojdilo, V. Ricardo, & V. Micale (Eds.), Proofreading - Upcoming Volume: Modern Trends in Governance and Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems: From Regional Development to Global Economic Growth, vol -. European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences (pp. 0-0). European Publisher.