
The availability of appropriate social conditions plays an important role in ensuring the successful innovative development of the industrial sector. Along with technological, economic, environmental, intellectual and other prerequisites and tools for industrial modernization based on modern digital technologies, social ties and the social environment act as a necessary factor that provides the opportunity and prospects for choosing an innovative path in the development of industrial production in the context of digitalization of the entire economic life of society. In this regard, it is important to understand the nature of social factors of production and determine the ways and mechanisms of their formation and use in order to accelerate and deepen the innovative development of the industrial sphere of production. This article would be of interest to researchers and practitioners in the field of industrial development who are interested in the role of social conditions in promoting innovative development in the context of digitalization. The article highlights the importance of social ties and the social environment as a necessary factor in industrial modernization based on modern digital technologies and provides insights on the nature of social factors of production and ways to accelerate and deepen innovative development in the industrial sector.

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Publication Date

01 October 2024

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Shakhgiraev, I., Khasueva, A., & Sultanov, G. (2024). FACTORS OF PRODUCTION IN THE INNOVATIVE ECONOMY. In M. R. Nakhaev, A. S. Salamova, A. Wojdilo, V. Ricardo, & V. Micale (Eds.), Proofreading - Upcoming Volume: Modern Trends in Governance and Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems: From Regional Development to Global Economic Growth, vol -. European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences (pp. 0-0). European Publisher. https://doi.org/10.15405/epms.2024.09.16