
The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of digital technologies on the development of green technologies and biology. The focus is on identifying technological trends and innovations contributing to sustainable development in the field of green technologies and biology. To achieve the set goal, comprehensive analysis methods were employed, including a review of relevant literature, analysis of statistical data, exploration of technological trends, and consultations with experts in the fields of green technologies and biology. Comparative analysis and modeling methods were also applied to assess the influence of digital technologies on various aspects of sustainable development. The study revealed that digital technologies play a crucial role in accelerating the development of green technologies and biological sciences. The analysis demonstrated that the integration of digital platforms, sensor technologies, artificial intelligence, and analytical methods in the field of green technologies contributes to process optimization, resource efficiency, and the reduction of negative environmental impact. One significant outcome of the research is the identification of how digital technologies enhance monitoring and control processes in the field of biology, facilitating precise analysis of genetic information and advancements in medical and agricultural research. These findings underscore the importance of integrating digital innovations for achieving sustainable development in the realms of green technologies and biology. In conclusion, this study provides valuable scientific and practical insights into how digital technologies shape the future of green technologies and biology, as well as the challenges and opportunities existing in this context.

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Publication Date

01 October 2024

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European Publisher



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Mentsiev, A., Takhaev, U., & Kurbanova, M. (2024). DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES INFLUENCING THE DEVELOPMENT OF GREEN TECHNOLOGIES AND BIOLOGY. In M. R. Nakhaev, A. S. Salamova, A. Wojdilo, V. Ricardo, & V. Micale (Eds.), Proofreading - Upcoming Volume: Modern Trends in Governance and Sustainable Development of Socio-economic Systems: From Regional Development to Global Economic Growth, vol -. European Proceedings of Multidisciplinary Sciences (pp. 0-0). European Publisher.