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Content Validity of the School-Based Star-CBT Module: Thoughts From School Counsellors

Table 2: Content validity ratio (CVR) of the STAR-CBT module

Core Content ne* N** N/2 ne -N/2 CVR***
How do your activities affect your mood?Session 1: Understanding the effects of activities on moodImportance of pleasant activities – via personal contract and self-reward 20 20 10 10 1
Session 2:Understanding and establishing goals 20 20 10 10 1
Session 3:The healthy management of reality (the Internal world and outside world) via activities 19 20 10 9 0.9
How do your thoughts affect your mood?
Session 4:Understanding depressionUnderstanding different types of thought and thinking error 20 20 10 10 1
Session 5:Using thoughts to change the mood 20 20 10 10 1
Session 6:Debating negative thoughts via the A-B-C-D method 20 20 10 10 1
How your relationship affects your mood
Session 7:Importance of healthy social support Exploring the bi-directional association between thought, actions, and feelings with relationships with others 19 20 10 9 0.9
Session 8:Communication skillsImportance of contact with others on mood 19 20 10 9 0.9
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