Key components/scientific fields/modules |
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1. Post-Graduation Programme Overview 1.1 The Professional Profile of Happiness Managers/CHO – Chief Happiness Officers1.2 Intensive Self-Knowledge Workshop: Positive Techniques1.3 The mindset of a Chief Happiness Officer / Happiness Manager |
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2.Fundamentals of Human Capital Management2.1. Introduction to organizational psychology and sociology2.2. Brief history of human resources management2.3. People management experience2.4. Empowerment and participatory management |
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3. Organizational Behavior3.1. Organizational behavior and development3.2. Basic notions of related constructs: leadership and followership; employee value proposition (EVP);3.3. Learning organizations and positive and flourishing organizations3.4. The EOR (employee-organization relationship) and the psychological contract3.5. Multicultural and global organizations: diversity; innovation; work-life balance; generational challenges |
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4. Internal Marketing 4.1. Fundamentals of Internal Marketing4.2. Interdepartmental coordination with human resources4.3. Diagnosis and action Plan4.4. The Internal Marketing Plan4.5. Internal marketing methodologies and tools/instruments, 4.6. Employer branding: dimensions of attractiveness and retention of the employer brand4.7. Positive Internal comunnication |
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5. Organizational Happiness 5.1. The (re)invention of the organizational happiness construct: from Road Quality at Work (QWL) to organizational happiness5.2. Occupational stress, occupational health and organizational happiness5.3. Well-being and job satisfaction5.4. Involvement, engagement and commitment5.5. Flow, motivation and positive emotions at work5.6. Florishing: the PERMA Model5.7. Purpose and meaning in organizations5.8. Generational differences: Baby Boomers, Millenials & Centennials5.9. Organizational happiness instruments, models and methodologies |
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6. The happiness manager as coach: introduction to coaching6.1. Various definitions and frameworks of coaching6.2. Benefits, recipients and roles: the coach and the coachee6.3. Coach skills6.4. Coaching models6.5. The “secret” of coaching: The art of asking powerful questions;6.6. Coaching at work models: FAST, PAW and CRA |
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7. Neurolinguistic programming7.1. The importance of its application in daily professional life;7.2. The representation channels: visual, auditory and kinesthetic;7.3. NLP techniques:7.3.1. Association / Dissociation;7.3.2. Anchoring;7.3.3. SWITCH standard;7.3.4. Sub modalities and others. |
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8. Talent Management 8.1. Competence and talent8.2. Career management by talent8.3. Development and the future of training8.4. Attracting and retaining talent8.5. The EVP - Employee value proposition8.6. Trends: the IVP: Individual Value Proposition |
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9. Transformational leadership and change management9.1. Brief history of leadership9.2. Situational leadership models (Hersey & Blanchard, etc.)9.3. Transformational leadership9.4. The leader as an engine of change9.5. Management Models of Organizational Change9.6. The curve of change9.7. Culture and Organizational Climate |
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10. Emotional intelligence and positive teams10.1. What is emotional intelligence;10.2. The various currents of Emotional Intelligence;10.3. Emotional Intelligence assessment tools10.4. Emotional Intelligence development techniques and processes10.5. Emotionally intelligent groups and teams10.6. Conflicts as engines of innovation and creativity10.7. Humour in organizations |
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11. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)11.1. External and Internal CSR 11.2. CSR and Employer Branding11.3. Communities, cities and engagement |
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12. Positive Occupational Health and Mindfulness12.1. Meaningful work, Purpose and meaning: Ikigai and others12.2. Mindfulness and meditation12.3. New perspectives on motivation at work: the revised Maslow pyramid12.4. Positive Mental Training |
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13. Quality of working life (QWL), Workplace Setting and Design of spaces14.1. Ergonomy, arquitecture and design14.2. Phenomenology of spaces and human places14.6. Brief History of QWL14.7. Offices and human future work |
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15. Group dynamics and Professional Training management in positive organizations15.1. Group Dynamics Fundamentals 15.2. Groups and teams evaluation 15.3. Life-long learning15.4. Team-building15.5. PBL, Game-based Learning and Tech-.based learning15.6. The gamification of organizations, teams and careers |
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16. Final Seminar : Individual assignment : Developing a “Strategic Development Plan of Organizational Happiness” |
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17. Seminars with invited Organizations and Companies(OBS: Although this module presents last, it is a module that will happen throughout the course, with invited organizations non-profit and profit-oriented, which will share their market experience and organizational happiness guidance) |
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