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Training 'CHO’s' Chief Happiness Officers: A Higher Education Course Design Challenge

Table 3: Post-Graduation Programme in Organizational Happiness Management – Curricular Units

Key components/scientific fields/modules Hours
1. Post-Graduation Programme Overview 1.1 The Professional Profile of Happiness Managers/CHO – Chief Happiness Officers1.2 Intensive Self-Knowledge Workshop: Positive Techniques1.3 The mindset of a Chief Happiness Officer / Happiness Manager 8
2.Fundamentals of Human Capital Management2.1. Introduction to organizational psychology and sociology2.2. Brief history of human resources management2.3. People management experience2.4. Empowerment and participatory management 8
3. Organizational Behavior3.1. Organizational behavior and development3.2. Basic notions of related constructs: leadership and followership; employee value proposition (EVP);3.3. Learning organizations and positive and flourishing organizations3.4. The EOR (employee-organization relationship) and the psychological contract3.5. Multicultural and global organizations: diversity; innovation; work-life balance; generational challenges 8
4. Internal Marketing 4.1. Fundamentals of Internal Marketing4.2. Interdepartmental coordination with human resources4.3. Diagnosis and action Plan4.4. The Internal Marketing Plan4.5. Internal marketing methodologies and tools/instruments, 4.6. Employer branding: dimensions of attractiveness and retention of the employer brand4.7. Positive Internal comunnication 12
5. Organizational Happiness 5.1. The (re)invention of the organizational happiness construct: from Road Quality at Work (QWL) to organizational happiness5.2. Occupational stress, occupational health and organizational happiness5.3. Well-being and job satisfaction5.4. Involvement, engagement and commitment5.5. Flow, motivation and positive emotions at work5.6. Florishing: the PERMA Model5.7. Purpose and meaning in organizations5.8. Generational differences: Baby Boomers, Millenials & Centennials5.9. Organizational happiness instruments, models and methodologies 12
6. The happiness manager as coach: introduction to coaching6.1. Various definitions and frameworks of coaching6.2. Benefits, recipients and roles: the coach and the coachee6.3. Coach skills6.4. Coaching models6.5. The “secret” of coaching: The art of asking powerful questions;6.6. Coaching at work models: FAST, PAW and CRA 12
7. Neurolinguistic programming7.1. The importance of its application in daily professional life;7.2. The representation channels: visual, auditory and kinesthetic;7.3. NLP techniques:7.3.1. Association / Dissociation;7.3.2. Anchoring;7.3.3. SWITCH standard;7.3.4. Sub modalities and others. 8
8. Talent Management 8.1. Competence and talent8.2. Career management by talent8.3. Development and the future of training8.4. Attracting and retaining talent8.5. The EVP - Employee value proposition8.6. Trends: the IVP: Individual Value Proposition 8
9. Transformational leadership and change management9.1. Brief history of leadership9.2. Situational leadership models (Hersey & Blanchard, etc.)9.3. Transformational leadership9.4. The leader as an engine of change9.5. Management Models of Organizational Change9.6. The curve of change9.7. Culture and Organizational Climate 8
10. Emotional intelligence and positive teams10.1. What is emotional intelligence;10.2. The various currents of Emotional Intelligence;10.3. Emotional Intelligence assessment tools10.4. Emotional Intelligence development techniques and processes10.5. Emotionally intelligent groups and teams10.6. Conflicts as engines of innovation and creativity10.7. Humour in organizations 12
11. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)11.1. External and Internal CSR 11.2. CSR and Employer Branding11.3. Communities, cities and engagement 8
12. Positive Occupational Health and Mindfulness12.1. Meaningful work, Purpose and meaning: Ikigai and others12.2. Mindfulness and meditation12.3. New perspectives on motivation at work: the revised Maslow pyramid12.4. Positive Mental Training 4
13. Quality of working life (QWL), Workplace Setting and Design of spaces14.1. Ergonomy, arquitecture and design14.2. Phenomenology of spaces and human places14.6. Brief History of QWL14.7. Offices and human future work 4
15. Group dynamics and Professional Training management in positive organizations15.1. Group Dynamics Fundamentals 15.2. Groups and teams evaluation 15.3. Life-long learning15.4. Team-building15.5. PBL, Game-based Learning and Tech-.based learning15.6. The gamification of organizations, teams and careers 4
16. Final Seminar : Individual assignment : Developing a “Strategic Development Plan of Organizational Happiness” 12
17. Seminars with invited Organizations and Companies(OBS: Although this module presents last, it is a module that will happen throughout the course, with invited organizations non-profit and profit-oriented, which will share their market experience and organizational happiness guidance) 8
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