Topic |
Description |
Course |
Post-Graduation Programme in Organizational Happiness Management |
Presentation |
This Post-Graduation Programme intends to train ‘Organizational Happiness Managers’, an emerging professional area that begins to be rapidly requested by organizations. In a constantly changing market, talent’s attraction and retention has been gaining priority in organizations worldwide. Thus, talent management is increasingly becoming a multidisciplinary and interdepartmental area, mainly involving Internal Marketing and Human Resources. Internal Marketing is a marketing area that addresses the company's employee as the first customer - internal customer - and the job that is offered by the organization (the full package) as the first product that the organization is 'selling'. In this sense, more and more organizations human resources departments are concerned with the necessity to have a strong employer branding in order to attract and retain the talents that most contribute to their success. Furthermore, the recent construct of organizational happiness has brought together several concepts investigated for decades by organizational behavior, however, in conjunction with an internal marketing and management approach, it is now possible to create internal marketing plans and organizational development strategies focused on organizational happiness, in order to realize the success of the organization and, simultaneously, the success and the individual happiness of each employee. |
Objectives/Competences |
(a) Understand the evolution of the organizational happiness construct, human resources management and internal marketing practices, framed in organizational psychology and sociology approaches;(b) Know basic notions of internal marketing plan, management of current and future talent, employer branding and other recent organizational perspectives such as employee value proposition, leadership and followership, positive and flourishing organizations;(c) Recognize the importance of happiness at work for the employee, exploring organizational behavior, job satisfaction, engagement, and organizational commitment;(d) Understand the contributions of positive psychology for well-being at work promotion, approaching optimism and emotional intelligence, meditation and mindfulness at work, mental training, positive emotions at work and flow, self-transcendence, aesthetic needs and ikigai;(e) Outline strategies to promote quality of life at work, exploring basic notions of ergonomy and workplace/office design for wellbeing;(f) Understand how to promote outdoor and lifelong learning, as well as technology-based learning strategies in on-the-job training;f) Design, implement and evaluate internal marketing plans and human resources management initiatives that promote organizational happiness. |
Target students |
Graduates in Human Resources, Psychology, Sociology, Marketing and other related areas, with interest for organizational intervention focused on happiness (Exceptionally, applications could be accepted from finalists of undergraduate courses mentioned above). |