Structural and content characteristics of family self-determination |
Median meaning |
Criterion Meaning |
Significance level |
15-16 years old |
17-19 years old |
20-22 years old |
Security |
4.67 |
5.33 |
5.33 |
H = 18.097 |
0.000 |
Harmonic sexual relations |
6 |
5.83 |
6 |
H = 2.970 |
0.226 |
Duty |
4 |
4 |
4 |
H = 0.112 |
0.946 |
Achievement of success |
5.5 |
6 |
6 |
H = 14.620 |
0.001 |
Compensation for feeling lonely |
4 |
3 |
2.83 |
H = 4.466 |
0.107 |
Personal independence (''running away from parents'') |
4.83 |
5.67 |
5.5 |
H = 15.380 |
0.000 |
Love |
5.5 |
6.5 |
6.5 |
H = 14.618 |
0.001 |
Material wealth |
5.17 |
5.58 |
5.5 |
H = 6.823 |
0.033 |
Revenge |
4 |
3.17 |
2.67 |
H = 16.621 |
0.000 |
Communication with people |
5.5 |
5.67 |
5.33 |
H = 3.662 |
0.160 |
Social recognition |
5.17 |
5.33 |
5.33 |
H = 7.813 |
0.020 |
Parenting |
4.83 |
5 |
5 |
H = 4.006 |
0.135 |
Self-actualization |
5.25 |
5.67 |
5.83 |
H = 6.439 |
0.040 |
Happiness |
6 |
6.67 |
6.5 |
H = 21.173 |
0.000 |