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Does National Culture Diversity Impact Corporate Water Performance?

Table 1: Variables description and measurement

Variable Description Measurement
Country Classification Businesses that operate in developed, transitional (from developing to developed), and developing nations. 3= Developed2= Transition1= Developing
Corporate Water Performance
Resource reduction policy Does the firm have a policy to limit its use of natural resources, such as water, or the effect of its supplier chain? 1 = True;0 = False
Water efficiency policy Does the business have a plan to improve water usage?
Environmental supply chain policy Exists a policy at the company to include supply chain in efforts to lessen overall environmental impact?
Targets water efficiency Has the business established goals for water efficiency?
Water pollutant emission Any compounds released into the water system are considered to be a load of water pollutants.
Water per revenue Divide the net sales or revenue in US dollars by the water withdrawal in cubic metres. 1 = above median0 = below median
Water recycled Water recycled or used again (in cubic meters)
National Culture
Power Distance Power is distributed equally, as oppose to handling inequality. Actual value of the culture dimension
Individualism vs Collectivism Taking care of themselves, as oppose to taking care of each other
Masculinity vs Femininity Tough culture, as oppose to tender culture
Uncertainty Avoidance Preserving rigid codes, as oppose to a more relaxed attitudes.
Long term vs Short term orientation Oriented towards future rewards, as oppose to fulfilling social obligations
Indulgence vs Restraint Free gratification, as oppose to strict social norms.
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