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Developing ESL Teachers’ TPACK Through Evaluation of Digital Resources

Table 3: Chen (2016) App Evaluation Rubric

Construct Description Rating
Content quality The application incorporates content that allows learners to improve their English skills while connecting to their prior knowledge. 1-5 points(1 Least Suitable-5 Most Suitable)
Pedagogical coherence The application ensures that the skills provided align with the targeted learning goals.
Feedback and self correction Learners are provided with feedback within the application to facilitate self-evaluation
Motivation The application includes elements designed to engage and motivate language learners to actively use the app
Usability Clear menus and icons are provided in the application to enable easy navigation for learners
Customization The application offers personalized options, such as adjustable font sizes and customizable settings, to meet individual learners' needs
Sharing Learners have the opportunity to share their learning progress, raise concerns, or discuss issues related to their language learning journey within the application
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