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Examining Malaysian Professional Communication Students’ Use of Metacognitive Strategies in Oral Presentations

Table 4: Statistics on planning strategies construct for all respondents

Mean Std. Deviation
Before presenting in English, I decide on my prior knowledge about the content that would help me later. 4.52 0.549
Before presenting in English, I identify the aspects of information for me to prepare for the presentation. 4.43 0.545
Before presenting in English, I try to figure out what I do in sequence to understand the materials. 4.32 0.639
Before presenting in English, I check in advance my own personal comprehension. 4.25 0.651
Before presenting in English, I think in advance about the possible information in the materials. 4.25 0.651
Before presenting in English, I think in advance about the strategies for me to learn about the materials. 4.2 0.734
Before presenting in English, I identify possible problems that I might face in this task. 3.95 0.776
Before presenting in English, I decide on my own learning objectives. 3.75 0.811
Before presenting in English, I predict the questions that could be asked. 3.61 0.993
Before presenting in English, I decide in advance how to ignore possible distractions (e.g., mental, physical, and environmental). 3.5 1.023
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