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A Study on the Potential of an English Language Learning (ELL) Website

Table 1: The score of each aspect and the total score of LearnEnglish Kids website

No. Aspects Score(Percentage) Remarks
1 Performance 10/30 (33.3%) This is vital to elevate the number of users, enhance conversion rates and create more leads.
2 SEO 20/30 (66.7%) Excellent SEO will ensure that the website content will be comprehended appropriately by the search engines.
3 Mobile 20/30 (66.7%) Optimising websites to support mobile phones is crucial since these devices are conveniently used by the majority of our population nowadays.
4 Security 10/10 (100%) Security is essential. Therefore, websites should be equipped with an SSL certificate and free from vulnerabilities.
Total score 60/100 This site is average.
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