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Profiling Students’ Collaborative Writing Behaviors During an Online Writing Process

Table 1: Coding Scheme Used to Categorise Types of Collaborative Behaviours (Curtis & Lawson, 1999)

Behaviour categories Codes Description Example
Planning IA Initiating activities: Setting up activities such as chat sessions to discuss the progress and brainstorming ideas I think [names] let’s list down some main points for the topic first…
OW Organising work: Planning group work; setting shared tasks and deadlines I think it’s better we share out the work. Each person starts elaborating one main point and the rest of us can comment and edit...
Contributing HeG Help Giving: Responding to questions and requests from others. To comment on the draft, just do a right click...
FBG Feedback giving: Providing feedback on proposals from others. Good point about giving counselling to the victims. I think add about the consequences of abuse on the children too…
RI Exchanging resources and information to assist other group members. If you go to this can read more about laws that protect battered wives in our country…
SK Sharing knowledge: Sharing existing knowledge and information with others. From what I have read, these victims often end up going back to their abusive husbands…
Ch Challenging others: Challenging the contributions of other members and seeking to engage in debate. What makes you say most women ask for it? Are you stereotyping women?
Seeking input HeS Help seeking: Seeking assistance from others. Can anyone help correct my references for newspaper articles?
Reflection/Monitoring RM Reflecting and monitoring on the task: Comments about the writing structures and writing activities. After reading the draft again, I think we need to give more examples to convey our ideas clearly. Also let’s use more transitions…
Social Interaction SI Social interaction: Conversation about social matters that is unrelated to the group task. This activity helps ‘break the ice’. So how many of you watched the movie? / It’s based on a true story about an abused housewife and how she fought back. Interesting storyline.
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