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Collaboration and Agency in Teaching for Inclusion and Diversity

Table 1: Language data analytical tools with examples from data

Conversational Data: Sociocultural Discourse Analysis (SCDA, Mercer, 2004)
Dialogic moves (REQ) Requesting information „What should we be focusing on?”
(BUI) Building on information „And we could then split them into groups”
(REA) Providing evidence for reasoning „Because there’s little time”
(CHA) Challenging „It’s not that! I think he just wants to seem different”
(SUP) Supporting „Yes, I think so too”
Scope of conversation (S1) One student „Gabriel said exactly what we wanted it to”
(S2) More/all students „Kids learn this stuff quickly”
(TR1) The teachers’ own reflections/ emotions „I did not feel at all watched, I felt supported”
(TR2) Both/ all teachers’ reflections/emotions „Generally, when you’re doing this kind of activity, other kids might catch our eyes”
Learning processes (DL) Descriptive „He’s not shying away from saying what he thinks. He’ll say “Hey I am singing I love girls…”
(IL) Interpretative „I like this about him”
Interview data: Chronotopical analysis & Positioning Theory
Chronotopical analysis (IC) Personal chronotopes „I was really stressed in the beginning...I did not think it was going to go well and things are going to work out”
(SC) Shared chronotopes „She said to ask them to present ...I did not think of it. It was her idea (....) I am really curious to see what she will say to me tomorrow because we need to move forward from here (...) And I am going to see what she thought of. And we will come up with an idea”
(PC) Public chronotopes „Teachers don’t want to because they are scared of an idea they are not familiar with”
Positioning Theory (P) Positioning „We cannot change their destiny, but we can do something about their chances, and we don’t”
(BP) Being positioned „The teacher should not be the person good for everything”
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