Current Trends In Preschool Leisure Management


Speaking of recreational and leisure activities, we first think about the fun of a sport. Baron Pierre de Coubertin, noted the danger of spreading sport and its Olympic principles to a servant of the elite, money and business, which is why he introduces the term Sport for all, explaining that "sport is not a way to spend luxury time, "An activity for the disadvantaged and not even a form of muscular compensation of brain activity." Managing time in such a way that we get free time proves a special ability on the part of the one who manages to do it in the conditions in which unforeseen events occur in our life preventing the real attempts to be good time managers. Like adults, children are often surprised by how fast time passes and how few things they have accomplished. Thus, the lesson on using leisure time in the most effective way can start as early as possible with notions of time management for children. Preschool and early school age are a key period for shaping the behavior of the future individual, outlining the basic mental processes. In the formation and development of the preschooler's personality, today the thesis is unanimously accepted that at birth the child is only "a candidate for humanity" and that this quality will be acquired through learning and education, through socialization, human potential being stimulated, developed and exploited under the influence of the environment. and education.

Keywords: Leisure, preschool, personality, sports


There are no known social studies in Romania, from which it can be discovered how much of the family's salary is available for recreational and leisure activities. In the countries where such surveys were conducted, it was found that there are social groups that can afford to allocate up to about 20% of the salary for leisure (Canada, USA), and the activities are done mainly at the end of the week.

I am convinced that the recreational activities through the character of adaptability and social integration of the practitioner, arouse the interest of the factors of permanent education that introduce them in the programs for children and youth. The low cost for children to enter museums, leisure centers, performance halls, sports facilities, as well as other facilities, is practiced in order to attract the individual to recreational activities. Recreational activities have increased values at this age, being indicated even by doctors. Like any activity in full evolution and affirmation, tourism has been the subject of research for many specialists, who have tried to define it. The process of economic restructuring, at global level, today forces national economies and local communities to adapt, in order to maintain and increase their economic and social competitiveness through changes, both in the structure of the tourist environment and in the ways of using and capitalizing on it. These changes, together with the latest developments in leisure, are the mainstay of tourism development, at a steady upward pace. Another important factor must be mentioned, namely the technical progress in tourist equipment. They have increased the mobility and independence of tourists from large urban centers.

Tourism facilitates the acquisition of a fund of knowledge and skills of utilitarian value both through the natural context in which it takes place and especially in the social one.

Starting from the idea that the organization of sports activities with recreational value forms a fund of practical skills, develops the spirit of observation, broadens the horizon of knowledge, I consider that the combination with the basic tourist activity framing.

Zlate finds that the evolution of sociability can be highlighted by the way in which preschoolers realize the perception of others. Thus, if around the age of 3, another is perceived as a threat, shortly before 4 years, another is perceived as a rival and only at the age of 5, another is perceived as an equal partner.

The cooperation is, according to the specialists, poorly foreshadowed, confused in preschoolers, and the criteria of moral reasoning include a high dose of subjectivism, the motivation of the moral act being realized more from the affective perspective than the cognitive one.

The educational practice highlighted the fact that the integration of children in compulsory and free-creative activities, the distribution and assignment of "social responsibilities", the balanced use of approval and disapproval stimulates the mechanism of socializing the child's behavior, develops autonomy, facilitates the appearance of character traits. The selection and use of unitary methodological strategies, the organization of games-exercises to imitate another's speech, gestures, facial expressions and pantomime, the positive valorization of interaction models also contribute to educating their sensitivity, attitude towards to oneself and to others, to the gradual internalization of certain patterns of conduct.

This is why knowing the psychological profile of preschool age becomes an important standard not only for assessing the level of development, for understanding the psycho-intellectual, socio - affective and behavioral universe, but also from the perspective of optimizing practical strategies for effective action at this age.

Problem Statement

Starting from the premise that the organization of sports-recreational activities is a multipurpose instructive-educational activity that must contribute to broadening the horizon of knowledge, to the formation of practical skills, to the development of the spirit of observation, thinking and initiative, and to stimulate students' interest. independent activity for recreational purposes, I recommend a lot of attention in setting the objectives of this activity, so that it corresponds to the possibilities and concerns of preschoolers.

The organization of sports-recreational activities must be done on the basis of a careful analysis of students' time budget, preschool tasks, the specificity and magnitude of individual demands, avoiding their over-tension, all with the aim of obtaining good results, both in physical and intellectual training of children. At the same time, to take into account the existing possibilities in the diversification of local sports activities, the variety of preferences and their satisfaction in such a way that the sports activity includes as many children as possible. The following can be considered as sports-recreational activities: tourism - hiking, excursions, expeditions, tourist orientation; organizing sports and recreational activities at leisure places and tourist spots; organizing sports and recreational activities in holiday camps; hygienic and refreshing gymnastics; folk dances; motion games; preparation and organization of a contest; cycling, kayaking, climbing, mountaineering, paragliding, mountain biking, etc.

The activity of preschoolers is certainly the most affected of all levels of education in the quarantine period when it comes to the effectiveness of online learning.

Compared to schools that have been able to migrate in real time (with more or less success) to online education models, preschoolers need to connect and have direct contact with adults and other children, their low concentration and their level of cognitive development. emotionally make online learning a real challenge (for older preschoolers) or even impossible for younger ones.

Thus, although a number of kindergartens (mostly private) use digital platforms, the results are not satisfactory. In a context where most parents are forced to work while their children are at home, what works for preschoolers?

Routine is essential for preschoolers and helps children gain predictability, stability and autonomy, as well as adults to better communicate the needs of each member and navigate the tasks related to work, child, home.

Communication can help children better integrate the changes that have taken place in their lives lately.

Parents can talk to preschoolers about the new virus and how routines and perhaps even roles have changed in their home.

Communication must be simple, clear, with cues familiar to children and with a strong focus on emotions: what we feel during this period, what children feel, what parents feel and how they can organize themselves to overcome this period.

Validating and accepting the emotions of both children and parents, even those of fear and panic, uncertainty and instability, can help us regain control and act in directions where we can make an impact.

Connecting the parent with the kindergarten and the educator will help the parent to gain support in organizing the routine and activities of the preschooler. Given that many parents work, understanding the child's needs, organizing a routine similar to the one during kindergarten and daily activities can be an essential help and can keep the child connected to a familiar program.

At the same time, the constant communication between the parent and the educator can help the latter to better understand the context of the family during this period, the games and toys that attract the preschooler and to meet the parents and children with activities customized to his interests.

Connecting the educator with the child. In the preschool period, the discussion of learning during isolation moves from activities according to a curriculum or a learning plan developed to CONNECT.

Educators have been a constant presence in children's lives before isolation, and the chances of them missing their kindergarten and children are high.

Some will be able to verbalize or signal this, others will externalize themselves through seemingly provocative behaviors for no apparent reason. Daily connection with the educator is important to restore the child's stability and continuity.

"Mathematical and statistical methods have obviously imposed themselves today in the current language of the sciences. For pedagogy and psychology, the contribution of science was somewhat later than in other sciences (biology, chemistry, medicine)" – (Simion, 1998, p. 128).

The methods by which the two connect can be different: by video call 1: 1, by videos with activities, songs, etc. which the educator sends to the parents for the child or by video conference in small groups.

Every child is different and it is important that the connection methods are experienced until they reach an attractive one for the child and suitable for the parent.

But, more important than the method, is the goal of the interaction during this period, namely the connection with the preschooler, not activities that are more or less sophisticated.

Preschoolers need their loved ones close, to connect and adapt to new routines. Curriculum plans can wait, the emotions of children and parents are the priority in this period of isolation.

Encouraging boredom. One of the concerns of parents during this period is to provide as many activities and toys as possible for their children.

The reasons are various: either because the parents are busy and want to fill their children's time, or because they are afraid that they "will not be left behind". In both cases, the solution is not to over-stimulate the children, but to encourage a balanced program in which moments of boredom are not only not combated with toys, activities or various suggestions and directions, but are encouraged.

Boredom develops imagination and creativity. A child who has nothing to do (or is not told what to do) will look for work on his own. She will use the objects and toys she has at hand to create new scenarios and role-playing games, she will develop her autonomy from her parents and she will find creative solutions to various challenges.

Although at first it may seem like a challenge for parents and children to manage boredom, in the medium and long term it will be beneficial for both parties.

Open ended toys are ideal for isolation. Examples include plasticine, pencils, children's scissors, colored paper, glue, building sets (shapes, magnets, grimes, kapla, etc.), natural materials (acorns, walnuts, chestnuts, fir cones, twigs, etc.) role-playing costumes, musical instruments, books.

The combination of such materials leads to the richness of the games and the manifestation of creativity. The more materials they can use and combine, the longer they will keep them busy and the easier they will learn. The more specific the toys and the clear stages, the more they will limit the children's interaction with them and involve the adult to guide the stages.

Physical exercise is essential for isolation. Parents are extremely busy, but if we were to choose an activity that they should prepare or encourage on a daily basis, this is certainly one of gross motor skills.

Whether we are talking about dance moments, psychomotor games (here educators can come up with a series of suggestions), imitation games (e.g. Simon says, music chairs, freeze dance, etc.) or walks around the house, it is necessary for parents to stimulate children motor during this period. Thus, they will consume their energy even if they do not go out and they will rest better, they will collaborate better.

Involving children in household chores is helpful for both them and their parents. Given that most parents no longer receive outside help with household chores and some of them work from home, navigating through all the tasks can be a challenge. It is known, however, that preschoolers like to get involved in household chores, to imitate their parents and thus help them.

Thus, activities such as arranging meals, sorting clothes and dishes for the washing machine, gathering toys, and vacuuming can be activities that children love and are very useful for developing self-confidence, autonomy, and many other practical skills. The help is also for the parents, because they can solve their chores at home in a company that is at least pleasant.

Adult availability. The biggest challenge for parents who work from home during this period is to fulfill their tasks at work and at the same time to respond to the needs of the child or even the children. And it is frustrating for both parties when their needs are not met and when the child's reaction to the parents' carelessness degenerates into provocative behaviors.

In our experience, organizing a program in which parents divide their time so that one of them is present for the child most of the time is the ideal case. The child will accept more quickly that the mother works, for example, if the father is available and plays or at least supervises him.

When working at home with a preschooler it is necessary for parents to calibrate their expectations and prepare for a series of interruptions from the child who often even when playing alone will come to show him what he has done and receive the validation and appreciation of the parent. . Productivity at work with preschoolers in isolation does not exist, but only survival.

Connect first and then ask: encourage free play, but preferably after paying attention to the child and playing with him before; otherwise it can be frustrating and can lead to distractions and limitations.

You can arrange the morning so that you can connect with the child for 2-3 hours while you prepare the meal, eat together and play. During this time you can discuss the sequence of activities and the need to work on these activities later. The chances of preschoolers collaborating if they have been given the attention they need before are higher than if the parent starts work shortly after waking up.

The period of isolation is very challenging for both parents and children: in addition to the routine changes that occur, parents need to manage their emotions, fatigue, household chores and work at the same time as the needs of connection and play of the preschooler.

Thus, the kindergarten can play an important role of support for the parent in organizing routines, landmarks, access to activities suitable for children.

Also, in these moments, the role and energy of the educator must be oriented in addition to this support for the parent, towards connecting with the preschool child, maintaining the stability and continuity of their relationship and less on learning objectives and curricula.

In the days of covid-19, providing emotional support and connecting with preschoolers from both the parents 'and educators' perspective matters more than the amount of activities or their purpose.

Research Questions

The article responds to current trends in pre-schoolers regarding leisure time. The management of free time for adults, children and young children requires time, so that management receives a satisfied percentage of free time for recreation, for sports.

This current trend of time management is reflected both in the national budget, in the family budget but especially in health.

Therefore, without claiming an elaborate studio, in-depth research and details, this article responds rigorously to an analysis that can lead to an early education in which it controls the management of time in general and leisure in particular.

Purpose of the Study

The aim of the paper is to carefully manage the free time of preschoolers through physical activities.

In order to achieve the goal, the following objectives were formulated :

Studying the specialized literature.

The pedagogical observation of the physical education activity in preschoolers.

Carrying out a leisure program for preschoolers.

Making methodical conclusions and recommendations.

Research Methods

The tourist activity is carried out directly in correlation with the components and characteristics of the specific market. Starting from this reality, the profile companies with marketing orientation must know, in the smallest details, both the tourist market, as a whole and in structure, as well as its two correlative categories - tourist demand and supply. In the research and evaluation process, the marketer will use a complex set of methods and techniques. The method is a structure of order, a program according to which the theoretical and practical actions are regulated, in order to reach a certain goal. It appears to us as a way of information, interpretation, intervention and action, which uses techniques (own or borrowed from other fields), hypothetical models, in order to discover the reality of the phenomena and processes investigated.

The following scientific research methods were used to conduct this research:

analysis of the scientific-methodical literature;

pedagogical observation;

analysis of tourism offers in order to integrate in the activities of kindergartens (excursions).


At present, society is looking for an ideal division of life time into: school and extracurricular time, work time, family time, free time or personal time, which will allow it to both meet its economic needs and solve some problems. social, cultural, family, personal order, which the human being could solve, if he knew how to better organize his time.

In this sense, the conceptualization of leisure education and its realization in formal and non-formal education responds to a new pedagogical and social reality, being recorded by the quantitative increase of education / training resources, as a result of two objective phenomena.

  • the increase of free time, as a result of the reduction of the working week, in the context of the technological progress in the postmodern society;
  • the expansion of the media networks, electronic and computerized, promoted at local, territorial, national, international level and the occupation of the person's free time.

At the same time, research is driven by the need to prepare the student, even in educational time, and for the rational use of free time, which is a time for itself, designed to provide students with the time to reflect and allow them to rise to higher levels of knowledge. learning, depending on a very necessary time for a slower movement in the endless acceleration of the weekly time, which is, moreover, the basis of student success, a need identified by both researchers such as Callo, Cucoș and others, as well as by the adolescent students themselves in a pre-experimental research.

Leisure education is a specialized form of the integral / basic educational process, which includes several fields (cultural-artistic, tourist, social, economic, etc.) and considers the training of students in the competence of leisure management.

The issue of leisure in education has developed from antiquity to the present, and the concept of leisure has evolved from a system of empirical knowledge to the rank of "new education", leisure education being today an integral part of educational policies, which it should also be a concern for education, in order to ensure the solving of an imperative task: informing and training the student / young person for cultural development in his / her free time.

During its evolution, the concept of free time has been approached from several perspectives - philosophical, sociological, psychological and pedagogical, less in axiological terms. In these conditions, the need and opportunity for the conceptual development of leisure education is highlighted and from this perspective, given the "crisis" of values in contemporary society.

Leisure education, as a desideratum of the “new educations”, falls in the direction of renewal and diversification of the educational offer and of the ways of pedagogical influence at the adolescent age of the students, corroborated with the highlighting of a pedagogical problem.

Free time is a global problem of the 21st century, and it requires a high level of culture and awareness of the value of time and freedom for the whole of human society. Pârlog identifies the dichotomy “free time - non-free time”, which is equivalent by the phrase “degree of freedom of socio-human activities”.

There are a number of factors in the social environment that influence the optimal use of free time by children, such as:

  • transportation to school after activities and other training programs;
  • inadequate financial management, for the payment of leisure programs;
  • motivation to be involved in positive activities;
  • the influence of the group of friends in spending their free time.

The influence of factors on personality during leisure time is classified as follows:

  • personal factors and family influence: individual stage of life, personal interests, attitudes, abilities, education and personality type;
  • social factors and situational circumstances, in which the person finds himself: the relation to the social class to which he belongs, their available time, their game / service and personal income;
  • the opportune factors and the support of services available to the person: resources, facilities, programs and activities; their attractive quality; and their management.

E. Osorio argues for the need to develop personality through leisure time as a process that aims at at least four elements:

  • Skills: each person develops a repertoire of skills that are built on cognitive, affective and psychomotor development;
  • Knowledge: the wide range of options available in leisure, through the knowledge acquired by the person about the resources needed to develop such activities;
  • Experiences: the opportunity to experience leisure activities increases the person's confidence to explore other dimensions of leisure, the skills needed to achieve a full development of the person are perfected;
  • Attitudes, values and appreciations: develop a positive perception of leisure, at the same time an attitude of comfort and value that is attributed to the entertainment experience are essential for building an optimal lifestyle in free time through self-knowledge of the person.

Extracurricular activities are a challenge, from the age of preschool. We are, year after year, put in the most challenging situations, in the selection of extracurricular activities according to the proposed objectives, for each year and according to the level of development of the group.

”Tourism is often used in different ways as a team building tool, especially when it has connotations of green tourism, ecotourism or responsible tourism (Buffa, 2015). Physical activity decreases with age (Visioli, 2022), and tourism can become a useful tool both for the development of physical capabilities and the development of socialization. The integration of an adventure module in tourism programs, as a team building tool (Buckley, 2012) brings to the fore the level of a new type of education - adventure education, with notable effects (Badau & Badau, 2018) and the addition of numerous values. Carefully monitored adventure, avoiding extremes, may even constitute an element of the "tourism of the future" Rosu et al. (2022).

We take into account several factors that could influence the activities, such as the weather, the means of transport (taking into account that we come from rural areas), the financial support we would need to carry out these activities, and, last but not least, the child's ability to move.

All these impediments are overcome with effort and a lot of involvement, managing to carry out successful actions, as a result of which the children remain positively impressed, for a long period of time.

Extracurricular activities are those activities planned, organized and carried out by educators outside the group room.

Every year, in addition to the other calendar, half-yearly planning, thematic projects, we also plan these types of extracurricular activities, which, as a rule, include educational experiences that can be achieved through: hiking, museum visits, puppet theater, supermarket, at the vegetable market, bakery, but also activities at festivals, competitions, sports competitions, drawings on asphalt.

In all these activities, we aim to prioritize the children's interest, to be able to satisfy their needs and motivations, to develop their knowledge, playful, interpretive, artistic spirit, to cultivate their love of Romanian history and culture and, last but not least, nature conservation and protection.

We know that there are also impediments, which often make it difficult for us to carry out these activities, such as: the weather, the health conditions of preschoolers, finding a means of transportation to get to certain objectives, but also the financial conditions of families, who would normally offer a ticket to travel or enter the theater, to purchase the materials and costumes needed for artistic and stage activities.

Through extracurricular activities we often manage to develop children's artistic spirit, that of interaction and interactivity - the child feels valuable and wants to give his best - at school celebrations, at local, county, national competitions - wants to be known and rewarded for his work, most often by applause, diplomas, medals, awards and sweets.

Leaving the pattern of the group room offers children the opportunity to face directly with new things, with unprecedented situations, with places and stories only heard. By getting involved in visiting museums, they can see live creatures (fish, birds, reptiles), see the tools and places that define the great personalities of the country. We convey to them the respect for the Romanian cultural values, the respect for art and beauty.

By involving them in artistic programs, we put them face to face with the competition, with the audience, with the idea of being the best. They are very involved, they even have strong emotions during their performance, but at the same time they develop their stage cult, the idea of perfection, they develop their communication, their language, both verbally and nonverbally and paraverbally.

By visiting shopping malls, we train children in a civic spirit, respectful of older people, the way they behave in a different kind of environment, where they meet strangers, where they have the opportunity to pay for their own shopping, to practice civilized behavior. On this occasion, they are cultivated with respect for others, proper conduct in crowded places, the ability to choose things and reactions to various situations.

Through activities to visit an urban kindergarten, we offered them the opportunity to interact with preschoolers from another group, on which occasion the children were able to do things together (map of Romania), which they were then able to expose. In an exhibition in the city, they were attracted by the diversity of materials, by the collaborative way of working with children they did not know and, especially, by the warmth with which they were received and integrated. Such activities offer children the opportunity to compare environments, people and, above all, to form an opinion about that thing, that kindergarten, those children - the basis for prosocial attitudes.

We put the unique in front of them, placing them in unknown places, putting them in curious situations, but at the same time we satisfy their curiosities, we ask their opinions, we offer them the opportunity to express themselves freely, without restraint and without barriers.

Cultivating the spirit of communication, of spontaneous expression, gives us the opportunity to get to know children better. On this occasion, they were more cooperative, more open to dialogue, as if dispersing that boundary between "lady" and "children." They have more confidence in themselves and in the educators, becoming closer, friendlier.

Extracurricular activities contribute to the development of the child's personality, he feels valuable, important, with creative and interpretive potential, with a team spirit and love of work.

Through all these types of activities we highlight his desire for involvement outside the institutional space. Only in this way will the negative emotional states be overcome, interpersonal relationships will be strengthened and they will be able to work for the benefit of the team, the community, the society.

It is an obvious link between children's academic success and their free time. Usually, good students recreate themselves through good quality readings, shows of artistic value, without neglecting sports, walks, etc. Poor students avoid pursuing "serious" concerns and waste their time in activities with poor training resources, usually not even in a systematic way. Some, especially rural girls, are too busy with household chores, which diminishes their energy resources required to continue a more sustained intellectual effort.

Parents have to follow step by step the free time of the students, so, out of their supervision, they can expect a lot of surprises. Introducing, with the help of the child, a proper life program for the student, in the family and making sure that he is respected, is the first thing we have to do to teach him to value his time and to avoid it. a messy and messy life. A precise program according to his age, which provides for alternating hours of work, rest and entertainment, contributes a lot to his discipline to physical and mental development.

Students' free time can also be organized by the school through various extracurricular activities such as tourism, sports, leisure, trips, etc. and can also be self-organized, time spent with friends on trips, walks, birthdays and alone through study, relaxation, television or computer.

Time management involves an optimization of the design and planning of the management activity and has as stages the setting of objectives, the staging of activities at the level of the school day and the establishment of the order of priorities regarding the organization of concrete actions.

The principles of leisure management are based on the following interrogative lines (Iosifescu, 2001, p. 72):

  • what tasks we have to solve;
  • what is the order of priorities;
  • how long each task must be completed;
  • what tool we have through which we monitor the accomplishment of the tasks and the way in which we planned our activity.

Free time used in a recreational, fun way, is the time in which a pleasure, a passion, a hobby (movement, reading, watching a movie, painting a picture, sewing a tapestry, etc.) is realized, mainly the activity of relaxation, relaxation. and fun.

This time is more or less, depending on the way of thinking and aspiration of each individual, depending on the degree of culture, depending on the ability to organize and the voluntary ability to integrate into a particular program.

No one teaches children how to organize their time. Time management education is reduced to certain "assignments" such as "hurry home because you have to study", "go to school", "you haven't organized your time, that's why you haven't finished your homework yet" "," You're a stinker and that's why you only have low grades "," I don't know what to do with you because you don't finish anything "," why didn't you tidy up your room "etc (Raţă, 2007, p. 87).

These kinds of remarks do not help the child to organize his time, in general, nor to spend his free time in such a way as to help him to develop as a responsible, pleasant, cheerful and well-disposed person. The differences between the students' achievements bear the stamp of the way of managing the total time. Educating the child to form the ability to manage time in general, and free time in particular, begins in the family, from an early age when each member of the family receives precise tasks, well anchored in time, with concrete deadlines.

The role of parents in structuring their children's free time contributes to the formation of the capacity to manage their free time by:

  • setting tasks;
  • permanent control of achievements and failures;
  • Stimulating the choice of responsibilities, obligations, tasks.

The role of the school in structuring children's free time through its teachers, starting with those from kindergarten to university, helps children to form their ability to organize time. The way of managing time for the student integrated in the instructive-educational process depends both on the concern of the teachers and the parents and on the interest shown by the students, on their capacity to submit and accept the work programs.

As children grow, motor performance develops. Motor performance skills allow children to process information in the effective management of specific tasks. Although children develop motor skills in a variety of physical activities, it may still be easy to achieve when engaging in voluntary activities according to their interests and pleasures, conformable Alecu et al. (2021, p. 119).

The Children's Club represents the school unit that deals with the non-formal education of the young generation through which the knowledge acquired in the school is deepened and completed. The purpose of the activity in this institution is the useful, efficient and pleasant occupation of the children's free time, under the competent and passionate guidance of the teachers with real availabilities.

Children's Palace is the smart solution for children and teenagers between 5 and 18 years old. With an old tradition, with experienced and passionate teachers, various areas of interest are designed to arouse the interest of any young person. Today's children are curious, intelligent, cheerful, creative, that's why the Children's Palace is the place where they can highlight their intelligence, creativity, curiosity, moments that will make them stand out and the rewards that will motivate them.

A 2007 study by the National Audiovisual Council shows that in their free time, 98% of children between the ages of 6 and 15 prefer to watch TV, and 45% want to play computer games. Unfortunately, computer and online games have become a substitute for educational or recreational activities, with children abandoning any initiative in this regard. Most children today have access to a computer or tablet. Parents usually buy computers or tablets to do homework or to do activities with direct support - for example, to study English. Unfortunately, our childhood games such as Hide and Seek, Ducks and Hunters, Miuţa, Thick Milk… are almost unknown to the new generation.

Many children, accustomed from an early age to the addictive sensations of the computer, play with other children and in the open air seem out of the way tiring. I'm not talking about role-playing games, in which the child spontaneously plays whole improvised shows, but they lack fantasy. But even those who play them usually organize some fight scenes, which are painfully reminiscent of episodes of computer games. Their fantasy also does not exceed the various types of magic and physical destruction of the opponent. Usually, they are passionate about computers, especially the so-called difficult children: children with a low degree of self-confidence, who have poor results at school, who have difficulty communicating with their peers, and so on. In other words, the more psychological barriers a child has in real life, the deeper he sinks into the virtual one.

Our adult task is not to make it easier for children to access a computer, especially without clearly specifying the time and manner in which it can be used, as we may not have a chance of success if we want to remove this object from the child's life and daily routine. It is better to set the necessary conditions from the beginning. And they have to be pretty rough: a maximum of half an hour an hour a day. In fact, this is too much. Doctors say that 6 to 7-year-olds can spend no more than 10 minutes on the computer without harm to their health. However, our world is in constant motion. We have to face the challenges, and our children are offered opportunities in school, in front of and sometimes only in direct action on the computer - digital textbooks. Study time should not be confused with computer time.

We must always look for ways to challenge the child to play with us, giving them options, but it all depends on how much we, the adults, can allocate from our time, sometimes also from the time spent in front of the computer, to the child. . Children learn best by manipulating objects through direct action. We need to know how to play with our own children! We need parental education!

Digital games also because learning difficulties because children will have a low motivation to assimilate new knowledge, will be unable to concentrate, will become hyperactive and will find it increasingly difficult to respond to school requirements. One can also observe some of the learning problems of the child of this generation: the weak ability to listen, to understand and to remember the presented material; difficulty in understanding longer sentences or complex grammatical structures; decreased vocabulary knowledge; lack of careful and conscious reading; low performance in planning and organizing their own ideas.

The most effective ways to save your child from addiction without positive endings are those that impose certain rules on the use of the computer by the child, rules regarding the duration of use, as mentioned. Digital equipment should be placed in places where all members of the family have access and the child is supervised, these being closed when eating or solving any homework or tasks. It would be advisable to choose carefully the programs and games / applications used by children. But the most conclusive is the personal example. If the parent spends a lot of time, in turn, in front of the computer, the child will imitate the behavior. The sad thing is that some parents prefer the "quiet" of the time when the child is absorbed in digital games.

The ideal cases are those in which the child is actively involved in activities around or around the house: discussions, visits to friends or friends, housework - involving the order in the room, help with the kitchen or cleaning. Also, drawing, activities with manipulative or intuitive material, going out in the park, contact with other playmates, of different ages, sports, reading can provide suitable opportunities to spend quality time.

What are the best activities for my child? How can I help him discover his talents and develop his potential? How many such classes should I plan for in a week? These are questions that all parents ask themselves when their little ones are 3-7 years old.

According to the National Strategy of Romania for the development of tourism 2019-2030 (Volume 1: Tourism Sector Rapid Assessment Report Bucharest 2018, p. 151) "Vocational education and training (VET) are affected by the small number of students enrolled in tourism-related specialties. This situation may be due to the mentality of the Romanians (who do not send their children to educational and professional training institutions), but also to the accessibility (distance) or the incompatibility of these courses with the needs of the private sector and with the outdated infrastructure a VET institutions. There is a limited public-private partnership capable of providing vocational and on-the-job training opportunities for students. Finally, the evaluation is not done VET graduates, therefore it is difficult to state whether the skills acquired by them are responsive industry requirements."

Thus, we propose a series of activities to help parents with some valuable tips for spending free time with preschoolers:

  • Choose at least one sports activity

We live in a society where sedentarism in children is installed with the advent of gadgets. Because the love for sports is learned from an early age, you can contribute substantially to your child's health, but also to the development of social and emotional skills, choosing the sports activity he feels most attracted to.

  • Opt for cooperation in favor of competitiveness

By the age of 11, children are still developing their abilities and skills. An activity that involves the need to compete against other children could affect their self-confidence and impede their learning. Instead, the activities that encourage collaboration between members will help them discover their potential and will develop their socialization skills , explains Fiona Duţu, her interviews.

It is recommended that any element of competitiveness in extracurricular activities be introduced after the age of 11.

Fun and skill development are most important at this age.

Courses, games or sports activities that take place after the normal kindergarten program should take place in a positive atmosphere, where everyone is happy, smiling and showing their friendship. Having fun, children learn more easily and discover their talents and practice them without feeling the pressure from the outside.

  • Look at your child, listen to him!

If you're excited about preparing for your swim, piano, or fun German class, you're on the right track.

Otherwise, you may need to look for the right activities before you make negative changes in your behavior. Not all children are able to express their feelings or opinions about what is happening to them, but every parent can read their reactions.

Learn from educators about the child's level of development.

In order for you to choose those activities that develop the child's potential and perfectly fit his needs, education experts encourage us to evaluate them daily and periodically. For example, in the British Acorns Nursery, kindergarten assessment techniques are applied from the first day of kindergarten.

“At Acorns, using the information noted, the educators tell the parents daily about the activities in which the child participated, the progress in a certain field or things he did for the first time. Every week, all the pedagogues the child works with change the impressions and plan activities suitable for him, ”explains Fiona Duţu, head teacher of Acorns Nursery.

How do we keep the baby from getting tired?

First of all, if they are excited about the games in which they are involved, the children's energy will seem infinite. Here comes the parent who has to decide the frequency of activities, and specialists recommend 2-3 sessions per week.

Examples of optional activities at Acorns include: Investigations, Recycled Art, Environmentalists Club, Raw Vegan Cooking Classes, Ball Games, Fun Math, Chess, Information and Communication Technology, and more.

  • We go out to play outdoors!

There is no point in insisting on the importance of fresh air activities for children. The physical and mental benefits are innumerable and obvious, so any opportunity to spend time in the fresh air should not be missed.

The natural environment will stimulate the little one to be more active, it will stimulate his imagination and creativity.

Another factor to take into account, even in children, is social psychology: “For Festinger (1951), one of the founders of social psychology, cohesion corresponds to the degree of attraction that exerts among members, and also to the degree of attraction the group exerts towards the members” Valentina & Daniel (2018).

Romania has a great need to perform in entrepreneurial activities. Education, at all levels, is the surest way to develop entrepreneurial skills, and young people are the most suitable group for this endeavor. The emergence and development of entrepreneurial universities in Romania represents a reality and a chance for society to develop and prosper faster Roșu (2022, p. 1931).

And in order to be able to improve and maximize this, it is necessary to start with early education, for children.

We put the unique in front of them, placing them in unknown places, putting them in curious situations, but at the same time we satisfy their curiosities, we ask their opinions, we offer them the opportunity to express themselves freely, without restraint and without barriers.


Cultivating the spirit of communication, of spontaneous expression, gives us the opportunity to get to know children better. On this occasion, they were more cooperative, more open to dialogue, as if dispersing that boundary between "lady" and "children." They have more confidence in themselves and in the educators, becoming closer, more friendly.

Extracurricular activities contribute to the development of the child's personality, he feels valuable, important, with creative and interpretive potential, with a team spirit and love of work.

Through all these types of activities we highlight his desire for involvement outside the institutional space. Only in this way will the negative emotional states be overcome, interpersonal relationships will be strengthened and they will be able to work for the benefit of the team, the community, the society.

As it appears from the work Improving Interpersonal Relations In Students Using Specific Motric Activities: “Thanks to its specificity, physical education and sport subject can yield changes in behaviour, conduct, personality, as such that it help mediate and negotiate the relationships in a group of students” Stancu (2019, p. 2118).

It is an obvious link between children's academic success and their free time. Usually, good students recreate themselves through good quality readings, shows of artistic value, without neglecting sports, walks, etc. Poor students avoid pursuing "serious" concerns and waste their time in activities with poor training resources, usually not even in a systematic way. Some, especially rural girls, are too busy with household chores, which diminishes their energy resources required to continue a more sustained intellectual effort.

Parents have to follow step by step the free time of the students, so, out of their supervision, they can expect a lot of surprises.

Introducing, with the help of the child, a proper life program for the student, in the family and making sure that he is respected, is the first thing we have to do to teach him to value his time and to avoid it. a messy and messy life.

A precise program according to his age, which provides for alternating hours of work, rest and entertainment contributes a lot to his discipline to physical and mental development.

Students' free time can also be organized by the school through various extracurricular activities such as tourism, sports, leisure, trips, etc. and can also be self-organized, time spent with friends on trips, walks, birthdays and alone through study, relaxation, television or computer.

Time management involves an optimization of the design and planning of the management activity and has as stages the setting of objectives, the staging of activities at the level of the school day and the establishment of the order of priorities regarding the organization of concrete actions.

The principles of leisure management are based on the following interrogative lines (Iosifescu, 2001, p. 72):

  • what tasks we have to solve;
  • what is the order of priorities;
  • how long each task must be completed;
  • what tool we have through which we monitor the accomplishment of the tasks and the way in which we re-planned our activity.

Educators have the task of arousing involuntary attention (by using stimuli characterized by novelty, expressiveness, special contouring, chromatic contrast, etc.) and to determine and maintain voluntary attention to the activity carried out over a longer period of time.

Preschool is the stage of the beginning and the beginning of the organization of the will, as a complex form of psychic regulation. The ability to direct one's activity develops with the regulating function of language: through the internal language, the child gives himself commands regarding the triggering or braking of simple movements or actions. Motivation becomes one of the important factors of sustaining the will, its development also contributing to the development and education of his will.

Today the thesis is unanimously accepted that at birth the child is only "a candidate for humanity" and that this quality will be acquired through learning and education, through socialization, the human potential being thus stimulated, developed and capitalized under the influence of environment and education. The whole evolution of man as an epistemic, pragmatic, axiological subject depends on the circumstances of his biological, mental, social maturation, cultural modeling and social integration.

If the need for independence and autonomy, mobility and initiative, the tendency to assert oneself were considered the most prominent features of early childhood, preschool is the period of "initial personality formation".

In modern management, a conceptual evolution was imposed that started from focusing almost exclusively on the internal situation of the organization and evolved towards its relations with the external environment in which it carries out its activity. On this evolving trajectory we will find three concepts: long-term planning, strategic planning and planning specific to strategic management (Mihăilescu, 2008 p. 247).

Physical preparation is realized by the aspects of better specialization (Cojanu & Visan, 2019).

The essence of the psychological profile of this stage of development is expressed by the awakening of the feeling of personality, expressed in the opinion of Wallon (1975) by "attitude of opposition" ("spirit of contradiction"), as well as by a "parade of the Ego". . The most important acquisitions of the personality in preschool are: "extension of the Ego", the formation of moral consciousness, the socialization of behavior.

It is required that the companies that provide tourist services, as well as all those involved in this field, respect their status, show seriousness, kindness, offer specific services to the categories of beneficiaries (pupils, students, military, pensioners, pilgrims, active people, etc. ) to diversify the offer to have qualified staff to know in detail the changes that intervene or may intervene in the tourist market, etc. Bode (Tuns) (2018, p. 52).

As a conclusion that emerges from the above, we note that although in recent years, in the context of the pandemic period, the upward trend in tourism and thus recreational sports has broken, with the improvement of Covid and its impact on people, there is a resumption of the ascending slope in recreational tourism and in sports in general. It has been observed that nature helps a lot more in the health of children, so in a healthier population. And what 3 years ago began to look like a sedentary society, now, with the end of the effects of academic isolation, the explosion of the need for nature is becoming clearer. For the above reasons, we hope that the development of leisure tourism in general and recreational sports for preschoolers in particular will become a priority for both education and each family.


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10 April 2023

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Cite this article as:

Mercea, I. (2023). Current Trends In Preschool Leisure Management. In E. Soare, & C. Langa (Eds.), Education Facing Contemporary World Issues - EDU WORLD 2022, vol 5. European Proceedings of Educational Sciences (pp. 1400-1417). European Publisher.