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Developing Methodological Thinking Of Russian Language Teachers In The Age Of Digitalization

Table 1:

Questions Methodological Commentary
What? To teach presentation, expressive reading of the text, answering to questions in detail, dialogue
What for? To develop the skills of information processing of the text
How? With tasks on the development of speaking proficiency from the Russian language textbook
What are the conditions? Processing, interpretation of information in terms of language (speech, communicative actions, language means), dialogue in pairs, group dialogue, dialogue with the teacher, written work
By what means? Digital content for didactic purposes: podcasts, photographs of a famous person, aesthetically significant motion pictures, short educational and formative videos that are in line with the didactic issues, teacher’s electronic catalogue, information and education environment (“Moscow Electronic School”, “Russian Electronic School”)
How to assess? Written assignment (review, mini-essay, presentation)
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