Dynamics Of Mental Resources In The Elderly And Old Age
Keywords: Quality of life, geriatric assessment, subjective age, theory of mind, aging, perception of time.
Article no: 79
Pages 605-611
Keywords: Quality of life, geriatric assessment, subjective age, theory of mind, aging, perception of time.
Article no: 79
Pages 605-611
Keywords: Theory of literature, modernism, literature strategy, Russian poetry, foolishness.
Article no: 415
Pages 3081-3086
Keywords: Actus Reus, Behavioural Reasoning Theory, Phenomenology, Dysfunctional Behaviour
Article no: 43
Pages 504-514
Keywords: Competence market, economic theory, education system, labour market, educational services market
Article no: 308
Pages 2315-2323
Keywords: Game theory, compromise solution, model, economic competition, social network
Article no: 190
Pages 1702-1710
Keywords: Conflict Theory, Symbolic Interactionism, Multiple-Modernities, Renewed Kibbutz, Community, Hegemony
Article no: 46
Pages 378-388
Keywords: Islamic work ethics, autonomous motivation, tacit knowledge sharing (tks), self-determination theory (sdt), knowledge management, research university
Article no: 43
Pages 401-411
Keywords: Investments, digital economics, economic growth, macroeconomics, microeconomics, rational expectation theory, government regulation of the economy
Article no: 44
Pages 351-356
Keywords: Content analysis, water reporting, legitimacy theory, social issue life cycle theory, Malaysia
Article no: 21
Pages 201-211
Keywords: Carbon disclosure, MYCarbon GHG reporting guidelines, firm performance, market value, signalling theory
Article no: 23
Pages 218-229