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Displaying 10 articles of 242 total result(s).

Original Article

Employment Of Persons With Mental Disorders In The Uk – Legal Aspects

Original Article

The Importance Of Logistic Programs And Competency In Logistic Education In Malaysia

Original Article

Preparing Managerial Personnel for Medical Establishments at National Research Tomsk State University

Original Article

 The Impact of a Career Counseling Program over Adolescents’ Career Indecisiveness

Original Article

The Impact of the Training Programmes Over the Teacher`s Performance and Professionalism in the Pre-University Education

Original Article

A New Model of Pedagogical Magistracy in the Direction of "Linguistic Education" at Kazan Federal University

Original Article

Features of Professional Teachers Training of Informatics in a Programming Course

Original Article

Preparation of Teachers to Work with Immigrant Children on the Examples of Belgium and Canada