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Displaying 10 articles of 762 total result(s).

Original Article

Students’ Involvement in School and Parental Support: Contributions to the Socio-Educational Intervention

Original Article

The Development of Personality by Capitalizing Multiple Intelligences

Original Article

Labor Market and Its Features in Modern Condition

Original Article

Development of a Common Russian Identity as the Basis for a Single Civil Nation, Given the Multicultural Academic Environment in North-Caucasus

Original Article

The Relationship of Risk-Recognizing Competency of the Teacher and the Efficiency of Innovative Educational Activities

Original Article

The Concept of Higher Philological and Pedagogical Education in the Tatarstan Republic

Original Article

Development Of An Integrated Informational Educational Environment At The Tusur University

Original Article

Employment Performance-Based Contract As A Tool To Manage University'S Development Of Transformations

Original Article

Cross-Multidimensional Spaces And Environments As A New Reality Of Education