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Displaying 10 articles of 266 total result(s).

Original Article

Relationships Between the Flexible Working, Intention to Leave and Subjective Well-Being

Original Article

Effects Of Integrated Arts Therapy Intervention In Youngsters At Risk For Delinquency

Original Article

Students’ Social Well-Being As An Educational Process Effectiveness Indicator At The Universities

Original Article

The Influence Of Internet Usage On The Emotional Well-Being Of Youth

Original Article

Modeling of Return on Pension Funds, Taking into Account Risk Factors and Impact on the Well-Being of the Older Generation

Original Article

Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development, Happiness and Well-being of Single Industry Towns’ Population

Original Article

Massification of the Higher Education as a Way to Individual Subjective Wellbeing

Original Article

Impact of Financial Pyramids on Well-being of the Russian Society

Original Article

The Determinants Of Human Wellbeing In Professional Activities