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Displaying 10 articles of 1034 total result(s).

Original Article

Building Intercultural Competence Through Studying The Phraseological Stock Of The Language

Original Article

Empathy As A Part Of Professional Culture Of The Specialist

Original Article

Nationally-Oriented Linguistic And Cultural Educational Lexicography: Theoretical And Applied Aspects

Original Article

Partnership Between Universities And Ethnocultural Associations Of Russia For Strengthening Intercultural Dialogue

Original Article

The Main Structural Deficiencies on the Rural Labour Market and Employment Quality

Original Article

Legal Mechanisms For Sustainable Development Of Territories

Original Article

Strategy Of Spatial Development Of The North Caucasus: Theoretical And Applied Aspects

Original Article

The Informal Payments and their Managerial Implications in the Medical System. An Analysis from the Perspective of the Values and of the “Gift Culture” in the Romanian People