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Displaying 10 articles of 527 total result(s).

Original Article

 Exploring Map Drawing Skills of Geography Teacher Training Students

Original Article

 The Impact of a Career Counseling Program over Adolescents’ Career Indecisiveness

Original Article

Children’s Noncompliance, Ineffective Parental Strategies, And Therapeutic Solutions

Original Article

Seminars For Teachers Of Russian Studies In China: Pecularities Of Distance Learning

Original Article

The Impact of the Training Programmes Over the Teacher`s Performance and Professionalism in the Pre-University Education

Original Article

The Development of Academic Mobility of Students of Pedagogical Departments in Universities

Original Article

Working with Literary Text Outside the Classroom the Role of Multi-Aspect Synthesis in Personality Development

Original Article

Theoretical Background and Practical Applications of the Physiological Mechanism of Post-Activation Potentiation