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Displaying 10 articles of 405 total result(s).

Original Article

Russian Classical Literature in Multi-ethnic Environment: The Issues of Reception and Methodology of Teaching

Original Article

The Use of Moderation Technology at Lessons of Russian Language as the Development of Pupils’ Cognitive Activity

Original Article

Teaching Russian language: the Role of Word Formation

Original Article

The Interliterary Dialogues’ Heuristic Potential on the Lessons of the Russian literaturein the Mulyiethnic Environment

Original Article

Semiotic Resources Of Media Communication: On The Cultural Diversity Of Multimedia Literacy

Original Article

Role Of Youth’s Orientations Totechnical Education In Sustainable Development Of Russian Industry

Original Article

Linguistic Personality Of An Artistic Text Author In Teaching Foreign Students-Philologists

Original Article

Transformation Vectors Of Russian Political Views In Social Networks (Case "Winter Cherry")