Why Referencing PISA In The Romanian Rhetoric On Educational Reform Demands Caution
Keywords: Educational reform; accountability; rhetoric of deficit
Article no: 7
Pages 47-54
Keywords: Educational reform; accountability; rhetoric of deficit
Article no: 7
Pages 47-54
Keywords: Social policy, budgetary relations reformation, public goods, private goods, socially important goods, state regulation of the economy, life quality indicators
Article no: 5
Pages 31-37
Keywords: Social policy, reforming of budgetary organizations, public goods, private goods, socially important goods, government regulation of the economy, life quality indicators
Article no: 7
Pages 45-53
Keywords: Neoliberal reform, social learning, teacher’s identity
Article no: 15
Pages 162-173
Keywords: Higher education, digital economy, university, university reform, university management, challenges for university
Article no: 46
Pages 354-360
Keywords: Erdogan, economic miracle, neoliberalism, Ozal, reforms
Article no: 86
Pages 633-639
Keywords: Monetization, benefits, pension reform, trust
Article no: 12
Pages 83-91
Keywords: Georgia, Constitution, elections, reforms, the President, Parliament
Article no: 126
Pages 941-949