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Displaying 10 articles of 436 total result(s).

Original Article

The Informal Payments and their Managerial Implications in the Medical System. An Analysis from the Perspective of the Values and of the “Gift Culture” in the Romanian People

Original Article

Predictive Modeling For Improving The Quality Of Educational And Methodological Documentation

Original Article

Blockchain Technology In The Process Of Selling Pharmaceutical Products

Original Article

Factors Affecting Young Malaysia Non- Adoption of Online Banking

Original Article

Decision-Making Model's Formation As The Intelligent Train Traffic Control System's Basis

Original Article

Monitoring Of Agricultural Landscapes To The Innovative Development Of Regions

Original Article

Territorial Organisation Of Educational Services A Factor Of The Sustainable Spatial Development

Original Article

Cluster Approach To Food Security Governance Of The Regional Agro-Industrial Complex

Original Article

Legal Regulation Optimisation Of Permissions In Criminal Proceedings