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Displaying 10 articles of 375 total result(s).

Original Article

Civil Activism In Local Communities: Motivation Of Participance, Performance And Resource Relationship

Original Article

Social Responsibility of the Private Sector in the system of Russian Healthcare

Original Article

Resilience And Hope As Predictors Of Organizational Commitment Among Private Hospitals’ Nurses

Original Article

Uncertainty Of The Electronic Educational Environment And Means Of Its Reduction

Original Article

Influence Of Chelated Mineral Supplement On Rabbit Productivity

Original Article

The Study of Continuous Prosperity Problems Based on the Assessment of the Needs of Regions Economy in the Labour Force: According to Panel...

Original Article

Engineering Personnel Well-Being When Adjusting To A New Technological Structure: Age Aspect

Original Article

Continuous Well-Being: The Role of Staff Training for Innovative Companies

Original Article

Impact of Organizational Justice on Psychological Contract Violations, Organizational Exclusion & Job Satisfaction