Internet Communication: Achievements And Threats
Keywords: Information socialization, internet communication, threats and achievements.
Article no: 54
Pages 443-450
Keywords: Information socialization, internet communication, threats and achievements.
Article no: 54
Pages 443-450
Keywords: Written speech, written literacy, age of Internet communications, competencies, writing skills, illiteracy
Article no: 48
Pages 411-418
Keywords: Internet communication, compression, creativity, multimediality, stylistic dominants
Article no: 142
Pages 1117-1124
Keywords: Anonymity, digitization, escape, escapism, Internet communications, routine
Article no: 105
Pages 822-828
Keywords: Branding, brand community, territorial marketing, city brand, population migration, Internet communications
Article no: 71
Pages 596-602
Keywords: Comic, current key word, Internet communication, meme, semantic shift, social stress
Article no: 35
Pages 292-299
Keywords: Internet communication, Internet dialogue, social network, online publications, speech etiquette formulas, speech etiquette functions.
Article no: 57
Pages 501-506
Keywords: Internet communication, liberty of language use, the norm, Russian literary language, the new vernacular, language compensatory function.
Article no: 37
Pages 270-278
Keywords: Discourse markers, educational discourse, Internet communication, pragmatic markers, virtual pedagogical discourse, webinar.
Article no: 13
Pages 105-117
Keywords: Ellipsis, elliptical structures in language, Internet communication
Article no: 42
Pages 355-362