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Displaying 10 articles of 109 total result(s).

Original Article

Esotericism Of The Philosophy Of "Zhou Yi"

Original Article

“The Care of the Self” Practice in a Contemporary Culture

Original Article

Semantic Framing Of Buddhism Religious Approach To The Problem Of Moral Development

Original Article

Books for Children in the Russian Classics` Range of Reading: Methodological, Psycho-Pedagogical and Philosophical Potential of Russian Autobiographical Prose

Original Article

Problem Of Studying The Semantic Structure Of Metaphors In Analytical Philosophy

Original Article

Logos-Paedagogus Doctrine By Clement Of Alexandria In Ancient Logosophical Tradition

Original Article

 The Experience of Teaching Philology in the Context of New Educational Technologies: the Value Approaches to the Study of Literary Texts 

Original Article

Russian Literature As A Means Of Expressing Philosophy Of The Russian People